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Importance of Community

There are various definitions on what a community is. Some people think it’s a group of people with something in common, but others think it’s not that simple. What is ‘community’ and why is it important? by Toby Lowe talks about the requirements in the definition of what a community is. He first explained that the definition must work for different types of communities, and not just directed towards one. He then explained that it must explain why the community brings people together, and how not all communities must be good, but they must make you feel good. Furthermore, he added that it must explain how a community is different from other synonyms, such as society. He then offered his own definition, and later giving an example of the community he is in, which is the Newcastle community. He explains how the community makes him feel, and what makes someone actually part of a community. Lowe ended his writing with the 6 key criteria, which is basically a more general summary of his bullet points at the beginning.

Lowe’s definition for ‘community’ is “A community is a group of people who share an identity-forming narrative.” This sounds quite vague, but from his example, we can better understand what it means. Lowe explained that he is part of the Newcastle community. He incorporates this community into his life, and it shapes him to be who he is, which is what it does to every other individual in the community. It has a special purpose in each of their lives, and changes them significantly. For Lowe, it made him participate in events happening in Newcastle, and made him think in a Geordie’s perspective in life, such as arguments. He mentioned that he sides with whichever will benefit his community’s future. This changed him into someone who will prioritize his community, and when he has to make important decisions, he will definitely make a different decision if he was in another community that has different views on the same thing. This definition works for us too, and it fits in all 6 aspects. It does not only center around one community, it works for multiple communities. It shows what makes a community feel together, and it explains why people can be in many communities. This definition can be, in some eyes, flawless.

Different communities have different standards, and when asked what is courteous behavior in the community, will have completely different answers. Courteous simply means polite, or good behavior, generally meaning what someone is expected to act like. For example, in the young community, it is considered courteous to respect elders, and to help people in need, as well as to be kind and humble. These are the expectations from this community, which will not at all be expected from the dog community. After all, they are a completely different species with different living conditions. For them, it’s courteous to not be too loud or disturbing, and to not hurt someone if they haven’t done anything wrong. That is why some dog owners put their dogs in ‘time out’ for biting a stranger, but parents will put their kids in ‘time out’ for cursing at a stranger. These actions are not courteous, and although they are very different, they still result in similar consequences, and are both considered bad behaviour. There are expectations of courteous behaviour from every community, but if someone breaks a rule, or is mean a couple of times, they won’t necessarily be kicked out of the community, but they will still be punished for their irresponsible actions.

Lowe mentioned in one of the paragraphs that we don’t have to only be in one community, and there can be many benefits when we are in multiple communities. We can think of his definition of what a community is. In his definition, he explained that it forms us into who we are. Being in multiple communities can give us more perspectives to view the world in, therefore making us more knowledgeable and have a better personality. This can impact our future positively. For example, if we are in multiple cultural communities, we can speak more languages and understand more people, which means that if we were to travel, we will be able to empathize with more people, and have many more opportunities. Next, let’s look at what communities can do for us. If we did many extracurricular activities that we are in the communities of, such as doing multiple sports, as well as helping out at shelters, it will improve our college applications, which can result in us getting better job opportunities. Communities can be anything, and if we are in many, then it just proves that we are good people, and we are cultured, as well as aware of our surroundings. Although we aren’t being forced to join more than one community, it is highly suggested, as it will give us many more opportunities in life.

Being in a community is a privilege, not a requirement. We shouldn’t force ourselves into one, and we shouldn’t force ourselves out of one. Being in a community is supposed to make us feel comfortable, and feel like we belong. The community doesn’t necessarily have to be ‘good’ as long as it makes us feel good. Defining words takes much consideration, but if we dig deep into the history of the word, we will be able to analyze it much better, like what Lowe is doing. He has done a lot of research based on what a definition needs to have, and his definition is clear, and gives us much more space for thought than a general dictionary definition of the word. As great as his definition is, it does not mean there is anything wrong with other definitions of the word, because as long as it fits the 6 criteria, then it can be accepted just as much as Lowe’s example. There is no flawless definition of anything in the world, because it takes just 1 person to misunderstand a definition, and then suddenly more people will start questioning it, but no matter what, if it works for us, then it’s fine. Lowe’s opinion on what a community is might not match with every single person on the planet, but as long as it helps him understand the word better, then it’s fine!

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