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Dora W

Importance of Community

We all belong to a community, big or small, different or same. Sometimes we may not even notice that we belong with a group of people that we share origins, opinions, or cultures with. According to the commonlit essay, having a community is something that shapes our opinions on the good and the bad, and also lets us have positive feelings about it. Examples of communities could be like the gaming community, the Asian-American community, or the school community. It is important to belong to a community of some sort because it helps us to shape our morals, the ability to feel understood, and also a stronger sense of identity.

Being in a community shapes our morals, as people around us influence our values and how we think about things in general. For example, being a part of a community that preaches love and acceptance makes us more tolerant of others. It is the way everyone else in the community thinks, and with time we also develop certain morals that align with theirs. Children, during their early years usually belong in the same community as their parents, and as they grow up they branch out and belong into other communities. People can belong to more than one community at once! This is also a benefit, as we can analyze the morals of the different communities we belong to or we are thinking of joining, and critically think for ourselves. Even though not all of our morals have to align, being a part of a community gives good guidance!

It is important as humans to have people who understand us, and who think like us. Having friends of different points of views is good, but people who share your views are more likely to understand you and to be able to offer you real advice. They may go through the same things as you do, so in a sense they will be able to help you better. If your community gets backlash, they will also have the same feelings and understand what you’re going through. Then you could rely on each other for support, and this will draw you closer than different friends who don’t belong in the same community as you. It is very hard to be friends who are not in even one same community as you, but that does happen, so you might have trouble understanding them or the other way around. So having people from the same community to support you during times of need is really important.

Being in a community enhances our sense of identity and belonging. It is very important to know who you are and to feel the sense that you belong somewhere, as it will really say a lot about you as a human. So whether it is something as small as an accent or something as big as a moral, you will feel comforted when you are abroad and you see someone similar to the people in your community, just as the narrator of the commonlit essay, Lowe, was comforted when he heard someone with a Newcastle accent. When something good happens in our community, we automatically feel a sense of pride and happiness too. The identity sharing narrative that you share with people in your community is based on similar life stories, so based on that your identity has similar parts to the.

In conclusion, community is really important to everyone. Belonging to a community helps with our sense of identity, sense of belonging, and the shaping of our morals. There are many communities we can belong to and interact with. Even though communities may seem very cliquey, or exclusive at times, it is important to remember that there is a community for everyone. Even subconsciously, we belong somewhere, and we may not even know it, but we are in a community. For example, if we volunteer on a monthly basis, we are a member of a volunteer community and we get to interact with a lot of people who share the same interests and visions as us. As simple as that, we belong to a community!

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