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Matthew Li

Immigration to the United States

Immigration to America has been a huge thing around the world. People immigrate to find better opportunities or for safety. One fifth of the world’s immigrants live in the United States. This makes America have such a wide spread of culture. When the Potato Famine struck the Irish, the Irish people immigrated to America to seek help. People from China go to the United States seeking for the “American Dream.” Immigrants have thrived in America since they have been living here but discriminatory acts may happen in a place with such a widespread culture. In the 19th century, the Americans were feeling threatened because they thought that the Chinese immigrants were making them lose their jobs. People spread rumors of how the Chinese immigrants were unlawful and immoral. Soon the American government made laws that made it very hard for others to immigrate to America. Finally in 1965 the law was abolished and immigrants could come in easier.

When many people came to America, the Americans thought that the Chinese immigrants were stealing their jobs. This kind of act is called prejudice. Prejudice is the act of thinking that a group of people are less superior than your kind. In this example, the Americans thought that the Chinese immigrants were immoral and tried to steal all their jobs. This fake news spreaded everywhere in America and many thought that it was real. They all thought that the Chinese were greedy. Prejudice has happened in the world a lot. For example, Hitler thought the Nazis were more powerful than the Jews and how people thought that people of color were different and lesser than the others. Many of these problems have caused protests and debates all around the world. This kind of thinking has caused a lot of problems in our world and could lead to discriminatory actions to others.

When the news spreaded around the United States, the Government started to make immigration to the U.S. harder. This is called an act of discrimination. Discrimination is the action that you do to a certain group of people that you think is lesser than you. The Government of America thought that the Chinese immigrants were trying to steal other’s jobs and made it harder to become an immigrant in the United States. In the same examples, the Jews were discriminated against when the Nazis caught all of the Jews they could find and put them into concentration camps and tortured them by doing hard and dangerous labors. Also, the people of color were discriminated against when they were not allowed to do anything the same as the others. Discrimination is very dangerous and will cause a lot of chaos. Thankfully, finally, in 1970 the act of making it hard to immigrate to America was diminished.

Immigration is a very important thing in this world. People immigrate to other places in order to find new and better opportunities in their lives. Immigrating also helps others escape their country for shelter and hunger. For example, many people came into America searching for the “American Dream.” Refugees also immigrate to other countries seeking help. The United States has many immigrants in it, but we shouldn’t make it harder for others to come in and immigrate. Immigration helps others that are in need. It is wrong to make it harder for others to immigrate because of prejudice. Luckily the law was abolished before anything bad could happen. Countries shouldn’t make it hard for others to immigrate to their country. This gives others opportunities, but if the countries make it harder, less people will have their opportunities. People should stand up to discriminatory acts and speak up for it.

Immigration to the US has been a great thing but it shows many problems that the world has. Immigration has shown problems such as prejudice and discrimination. The American thought that the Chinese immigrants were immoral, greedy, and purposely stole their jobs. This is an act of prejudice. When the word spread, the government passed an anti - immigration law. This law made it harder for people to try to immigrate to America. This is an act of discrimination that the Americans did to the Chinese immigrants. Immigration is a very important element in the world. People immigrate to find opportunities, but we shouldn’t try to make it harder. Also immigrants come to America to seek shelter and safety. It is very important to stand up to things that are very important to yourself.

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