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Hypocrisy of John Dashwood - Critical Review of Sense and Sensibility

Sense and Sensibility is a book by Jane Austen that tells the story of three sisters and their mother who have to leave their home because their half-brother John gets everything when their father dies. The sisters are Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret. They are very different from each other, but they love each other very much. Elinor is the oldest and the most sensible. She is good at hiding her feelings and being polite. Marianne is the middle one and the most romantic. She is very emotional and passionate. Margaret is the youngest and the most curious. She likes to explore and learn new things. They have to face many problems, such as finding a new place to live, making new friends, falling in love, and getting married. They also have to deal with John and his wife Fanny, who are very rich, but also very mean and fake. John is their half-brother from their father's first marriage. He is the only son, so he gets all the money and the house when their father dies. Fanny is his wife, who is even more greedy and selfish than him. They have a son named Harry, who is spoiled and rude. John is a very mean and fake character. He is evil in these three ways: what he does, what he says, and how he acts with other people.

People around you and caring for your family is way more important than money because love is priceless. John gets his father's house and money, but he does not share it with his sisters and mother. His father asked him to give them some money before he died, because he knew they would have a hard time without him. He said that John should give them three thousand pounds each, which was a lot of money back then. But instead of listening to his family, John listened to his wife Fanny who tells him to give them very little. She says that they do not need so much money, because they will marry rich men soon. She also says that John has his own family to worry about, and that he should save money for his son Harry. John agrees with her, because he likes money more than his sisters and mother. John’s wife tricked him into thinking that his sisters and mother have enough money already, because they have some jewels and clothes that they can sell. He also thinks that they will marry rich men soon, because they are pretty and young. He also thinks that he has his own family to worry about, because he wants to buy more things for himself, his wife, and his son. He does not care that his sisters and mother have to find a new place to live, pay their bills, or deal with sad situations like losing their father or breaking up with their boyfriends.

Lies and horrible speeches can cause extremely big damage to your relationships with your family and friends. John acts like he cares about his sisters, but he does not do anything to help them when they need him. He often says nice things and says he will do things for them, but he never does. This can lead to the family falling apart. Lying about these kinds of things can do alot of mental damage to his loved one and lead him to regretting his own decisions. For example, when he meets Elinor in London, he tells her that he will visit her soon at her friend's house where she is staying. But he never does, because he is too busy going to parties and dinners with other rich people. He also tells Marianne that he will send her a piano as a gift, because he knows she loves music. But he never does, because he does not want to spend money on something that he thinks is not important. He also lies to his sisters about what he did and what he will do for them. Lies had built up. John made his family and friends suffer and not trust him anymore. John might not be very evil, but his personality and his behaviors made him a big evil antagonist. Lies should not be said very often and especially not to your family and friends because this will break your relationships very fast and irreversibly. These lies built up and formed John into an extremely evil character in the story.

Choices and trusting people are important decisions that can affect lots of people and not thinking about it thoroughly can cause lots of trouble to yourself, your family and your friends. When making any choice, it should be thought thoroughly in your mind. Check if this choice will influence others and think about how they would feel about your decision. When choosing people to trust, you have to be super careful, especially choosing to be in a relationship with the person. Bad choices and trusting evil people can lead to horrible consequences and can affect your life badly. In the story, John listened to his wife Fanny, who is more mean and greedy than him. She tells him how to treat his sisters and mother, and he does not stand up for them when she is rude to them or tries to make them go away from their home or from their friends' houses where they are staying. She does not like them at all, because she thinks they are poor and not good enough for her family. Evil people can make you like them and use you to abuse others and you maybe do not even know about it. They can use your love to secretly change others’ view toward you. Think twice when choosing people who you want to live with for the rest of your life. Don’t make harsh choices that will be too late to get back when you regret the decision. People will lie to you and it may be someone you are really close to. Love can bring people together, but if you are not careful when making choices, it can be used as a weapon towards you.

In the end, John is a character who is mean and fake. He likes money and being popular more than his family and being nice. He does not help his sisters and mother as his father wanted, he lies and breaks his promises to them, and he lets his wife and other people tell him how to act towards them. He is different from the sisters, who are nice, honest, kind, and caring. They help each other and their mother, they tell the truth and keep their promises, and they do not let anyone tell them how to live their lives. They are happy with what they have, and they marry the people they love.

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