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Human Nature in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classic novel by Mark Twain about a boy named Huck Finn who escapes from home. Raised in the story as an adopted child and by an alcoholic father, it was rather hard for him to find freedom. As a result, he decides to escape and travels down the Mississippi River with an escaped slave named Jim. He encounters many new situations, but he handles them all cleverly with the help of Jim. Along the way, Huck discovers the value of kindness and freedom and understands that everyone is created equal, regardless of their color or social standing. Freedom is a basic request of many human’s needs, but was ignored by many during Huck’s time in the South. The novel takes place in a time and a region where the slavery system was accepted and legal, hence people’s attitude to an escapee often was different based on race. That’s why Jim must hide or disguise during the daytime in order to be safe. Jim, an escaped slave, seeks freedom just not to be separated from his family. Due to the fact that he has not much knowledge of the outside world, he longs to return home to his family after being set free. On the other hand, Huck decides to escape because he is tired of his father beating and abusing him. Additionally, he wants to be free from social obligations like those he had while living with Widow Douglas. Huck and Jim's trip down the Mississippi River is seen as a journey for freedom. Despite the various obstacles they encounter, they never lose hope. They eventually succeed in obtaining freedom, thanks to their strong friendship and willpower. In the beginning, Huck has a concept that slavery is something right and slaves should not escape from their masters. He enjoys the company of Jim, but he also experiences the guilt of not turning in Jim. In the end, Huck regards Jim as a good companion, father figure, and being equal. Therefore, it is evident that freedom should be valued and not taken for granted.

Kindness in human nature is shown with great significance in the story. An example is how Huck is willing to help Jim, although he knows it is illegal to help a runaway slave. Regardless of having grown up with a father who is frequently cruel and unjust, Huck is a kind and compassionate person. Without Huck's help, Jim would have had a challenging time escaping to freedom. He would have been at risk of being captured and returned to his owner, who would have likely punished him severely. As Huck saved Jim from many other dangers, it shows the importance of kindness. Furthermore, when Huck was disguised as a girl, Mrs. Judith Loftus was very neighborly and welcomed Huck with great hospitality. Despite not knowing him, she gave him food and talked to him for a long time. When Mrs. Loftus learned that Huck's true identity wasn't a girl, she still claimed not to turn him in and even gave him advice on how to act like one. In providing assistance to Huck, Mrs. Loftus demonstrates her willingness to help those in need. As a result of this kindness, Huck and Jim were also able to avoid being caught, proving the importance of kindness in these critical situations. Thus, these examples show the compassion and kindness someone could have as it is part of human nature.

In contrast, the story also addressed the evil within human nature. In Huck's case, Pap, his father, is a striking example of evil. He was an abusive and violent alcoholic who represented the worst of white society. Pap first comes to the home of Widow Douglas and appears to be a kind and reformed person. However, he only does this to gain the trust of the judge and take custody of Huck. Later on, he even kidnaps Huck and tries to kill him. As a result, Pap represented greatly the violence and cruelty of evilness. Moreover, the murder of the thieves also reveals human evil in nature. Huck and Jim witness two men tying up a third and discussing his fate on a ship. Then, the two men decide to leave him to drown since they are certain the wreck will break loose and sink. The evil men's skiff is eventually found and Huck and Jim escape. This shows that the thieves are not only willing to steal from others, but they are also willing to kill to get what they want. Violence is indeed not the right choice and could lead to evil, as these actions illustrate. These examples are a reminder that even in the best of times, there is always the potential for violence, greed, and cruelty.

This novel displays many aspects and themes that are significant. One of them, in the story, is the aim to freedom. Huck and Jim’s adventures all happened because they were on a journey to freedom, away from the harsh society. Huck and Jim’s adventures all happened because they were on a journey to freedom, away from the harsh society. Lastly, a major theme in the story is the human nature of kindness. In the beginning, it is already presented with Huck’s willingness to aid Jim to escape. Then, Ms. Loftus’s actions also further demonstrate kindness with her hospitality to Huck. However, in contrast, evil is another theme in the novel. Instances like this are seen with people along the journey, including Huck’s abusive father and the two thieves’ murder. The examples also remind us that violence can happen at any time, even in good, peaceful times. Overall, this novel is an adventurous tale that includes many important messages.

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