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How to Prevent Habitat Destruction?

A habitat is where one lives. It is just like a home. Animals have habitats too. For example for marine creatures like whales, fishes, sharks their habitat is the ocean. That is their home. Mammals like bears, wolves, and rabbits their habitat is the forest. That is the only place they can survive. A whale cannot survive in the forest, and a rabbit cannot survive in the ocean. A habit is a place an animal could get its essential needs to survive. If they were in different habitats they would die out quickly since their adaptation doesn’t match with their habitat.

Many plants and animals are endangered because of humans. Not only are we a threat, but it is also nature. The most common thing we do that makes animals endangered is littering. Throw a piece of trash on the ground when the closest trash can is like five meters away. Not bad right? Even though it seems harmless it is the opposite. Let’s take a closer look. Someone  throws a plastic bag. The wind blows it around, it reaches the ocean or the home of many animals. There is a sea turtle swimming to eat a jelly fish. It mistakens the bag as one, eats it, and chokes to death. If one person litters, its fine but 4.4 pounds are on the ground each day! Nature also causes problems too. When lightning hits a tree, it catches on fire, and a forest fire happens. 

There are also consequences that go with endangered animals too. Many would think the worst thing that could happen is we just lose a few animals and plants, but it's way worse. Have you ever ate a piece of medicine when you were sick? Of course! But how was it made? It wasn’t made out of chips or something. It was made with herbs, and grasses. When we wipe out a habitat like a forest, we lose many plants. Maybe some types of plants could cure the most dangerous virus on earth. But when a chance is gone, its gone. The more we wipe out, the more we loose. If we keep destroying habitats, maybe even the herb used in simple cough medicine will vanish.

Even if we cannot entirely prevent making animals endangered we could still do some things to help. First, we can protect them. We can take endangered species to a special place where they can thrive, and reproduce. When we have enough we can let them back into the wild. This way they will be nice, and healthy. Second, we can protect them in a natural disaster. For example, koalas. Since they are slow, when a natural forest fire comes they have low chances of surviving, we could either move them to a safe place when one comes, or we can prevent them from happening. Third, we can end littering. We could clean up after ourselves, and not use plastic. We could but we should control the amount we use.

Many animals and plants are getting extinct. But it is not too late to act. Even if it is hard for one person in this world to solve the problem, we still could. Everyone could do something small, and it will make a big difference. Sometimes we will forget, and do something bad, but we learn from our mistakes, and we will not do it again. Everyone could help make this planet a better place. Not littering, or planting a few trees could make a big impact. I hope that this essay could spread around and help the planet.

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