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Angela Y

How to Prevent Habitat Destruction?

Habitat is the natural place where plants, animals, or other organisms live. It is where they call home. Habitat destruction occurs when enough change has happened to an area that it can no longer support the natural wildlife. This change can actually be in many forms, including destruction, fragmentation, and degradation. But no matter how it happens, the plants, animals, and other organisms whose habitat has been destroyed no longer have a home.

Humans are the leading cause of plants and animals becoming endangered or extinct because they destroy habitats. Although natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes can kill animals and plants, humans kill more by destroying their habitats. When humans want to use an area, we don’t notice what's already living there. Thousands of acres of tropical forests, and rainforests, have been destroyed by humans. When a town expands, more houses and businesses are built.The town pushes the local wildlife farther from its natural habitat.

The consequence of habitat destruction is very bad. Habitat destruction can cause plants and animals to die. An endangered species has so few members that the species may become extinct. We will not have any more of that kind of plant or animal on Earth which can be used as medicine or other resources. We risk losing that knowledge if more species die out. Habitat destruction can reduce the amount of pollinators such as bees and other insects, which can reduce the yield of wild and agricultural plants. Destruction of forest habitats reduces the capacity of forests to absorb carbon dioxide which affects climate regulation. There are more bad effects of habitat destruction.

We can help prevent more habitat destruction. The first step is to let people be more aware of habitat destruction. We can do that by education through reports, documents, videos, and photos. We should make laws and regulations to limit people to use natural resources in a sustainable manner. We should also practice habitat restoration by continuous management, protection efforts and rebuilding of those areas. Furthermore, we can build new habitats where wildlife can be preserved by giving them a space to grow and adapt.

In conclusion, habitats are very important for an organism, but humans destroyed many habitats. This not only caused plants and animals to die, but also significantly impacted our lives. We should take actions to prevent habitat destruction so that we can have a beautiful and healthy Earth.

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