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How to Handle Bullies

"The Hundred Dresses" is a book written by Eleanor Estes. The story revolves around a young Polish girl named Wanda Petronski who faces bullying from her classmates. They make fun of her name, her faded blue dress, and her family's financial situation. They even play a hurtful game by asking her about the hundred dresses she claims to have, knowing it's not true. Sadly Wanda remains silent, unable to defend herself. After Wanda leaves,one of the main characters, Maddie , learns an important lesson about empathy, regret, and the impact of her actions on others. The story made me think about what bullying is, the consequences of bullying and how to handle it.

Bullying is when someone intentionally hurts or teases you. It can be physical, like breaking things or damaging belongings, even worse are kicking or pushing. Or it can be verbal, like saying mean things, insults, or spreading rumors. Cyberbullying occurs online through digital platforms such as social media, messaging apps, or emails. It involves sending hurtful messages. Bullies might gang up on someone, making it more difficult for the victim to defend themselves. It is crucial to stay away from bullies and not let them get to you.

Bullying is completely unacceptable. It is harmful and affects everyone involved. Bullies might get addicted to hurting others, leading to more students being victimized. The victims may suffer emotionally and become fearful or angry. This negative behavior can also impact their studies and well-being. When someone bullies, it kind of teaches other kids that being mean is okay, and then they might start doing it too. It's like a big circle that just keeps making things worse.

If I witness my friends or classmates being bullied, I will not stand by and do nothing. I will stay calm and figure out a way to help them. First, I will gather my classmates, except the bullies, to form an anti-bullying squad. We will support and protect the victims together. We could surprise the bully by showing unity and standing up against them. Wearing red clothes and shouting "no bullies" can send a strong message. I will also involve trusted adults like teachers, parents, or school counselors. They can help solve the bullying problem and provide support to the victims. If a particular place becomes a hotspot for bullying, I will advise my classmates to avoid it and find a safer place to hang out.

In conclusion, bullying is a hurtful and unkind behavior that can come in many forms. Whether it’s using mean words, spreading rumors, or even hurting someone physically, bullying is just not right. When bullies keep being mean, it can hurt more and more people, like a chain reaction that makes things worse. We should never let anyone suffer from bullying. We need to show that being nice and understanding is way cooler than being mean. By working together, standing up against bullies, and involving adults, we can create a safer and more supportive environment for everyone.

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