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How Did Railway Unite the USA?

    Before the railroad was constructed, if people wants to travel to another place of the land, they can only travel by feet, by the wagon, or by the horse. It is not convenient, because if you wants to go to a far place in the land, you need to walk for a long time or travel a very long time. Also, when people wants to find gold, traveling by feet by the wagon and by the horse is not easy. Some wife and their children has to wait for their husbands when they are traveling to find gold. This made a lot of people thought of a more easy and convenient way for traveling. 

    The problem of the East is that the original colonies were fairly close together. The western land are unknown to the people who lived in East. People wants to discover the unknown land. They are curious about the land. There are many settlers went far away to claim their own lands. Also, the Oregon Territory had offered rich land to the travelers who would travel there. This had bring a lot of people to travel there and find gold. The California Gold Rush in 1849 had made a lot of people’s dream of becoming rich. This also made people want to find gold. In this situation, transportation is very necessary. People needs to have a more quicker way to travel.   

      People started thinking about building a more convenient way------ building a railway, so that traveling will not be such a hard thing for most of the families who are going to far places to find gold.  Building a railway road is not easy and the work is enormous. The construction was started at 1863. It is finished on May 10, 1869. More than 8000 Irish, German, and Italian immigrants, building from the west, also including 10000 Chinese laborers, starting from the westward. A lot of people attended this great work. $2 million to $5 million per kilometer. A railway is very long, it must have cost a lot of money to build this whole railway. 

    Before the railroad has been built, people’s transportation is not easy. When people want to travel to another place or to find gold, they needed to travel for a lot of time and at last they get there. Also, traveling by feet, by the wagon or travel on the horse is not easy nor convenient for people. Now, after building the railway road, this road had really made different places all connected together. People can come to one place almost in one day, it is a lot more quicker than before that they travel only on feet or by the wagon or travel on a horse. This makes the USA feel more united. 

    However, in a word, this railway road is very different from any other railway roads. This road had given a lot of convenience for people in the USA, after the railway road has been built, people’s transportation really changed a lot. Before the road has been built, people only can travel on feet or on the wagon or on the horse. It needs to take several days to get to the place where you want to be in. It is hard for people to go to a really far place. It is not convenient. After the railway road has been built, it had not only made people’s transportation becomes easy, but also made the USA more united. This railway road is important to people in the USA. 

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