Bees are essential pollinators of our environment, so we must take caution with them. Humans will either do helpful things to the bees or do harmful things to the bees. People are different, but most people don’t know a lot about bees if they haven’t studied them before, and do wrong things like spray pesticides, trap them, or destroy their hives. Others will plant flowers that bees love, or feed them sweet water that they like as well. Some people might even keep them as pets. We shouldn’t ignore or be mean to them, because they are part of the process that makes food for us, pollinate food so we can eat them, and produce some of our most essential fruits and vegetables like apples, broccoli, and almonds. Humans are very harmful to bees as well as they are helpful and kind to them. The way humans are kind is by planting gardens full of flowers and plants that bees love to pollinate, and also even building a DIY hive for them. Bees are very important to us, and also our world, so we must not harm them and treat them nicely.
Humans have been harmful to bees for a long time, so we should change it as soon as we can. We use many harmful things and may do very surprising things to them, that we couldn’t even think of. Most importantly, are the bug sprays and pesticides that bees don’t like. It may lead to fatal or wing infusion. It is very harmful to them, so we should not spray them on these pollinators. Humans had also created climate change with our fossil fuels, and it has been affecting bees' lives for a very long time. They had been suffering it, and also land expanding, which means when us humans make our land area bigger. It makes the bees have difficult navigation throughout the world and may suffer loss, or no more food around because they couldn’t find their hive. This is very heartbreaking for both them and us bee-lovers. Bees are very important and some humans are a threat to them, so we must do our best to help them too. Humans are a big difficulty in order for bees to survive and develop peacefully and safely, but we can do more to help them as well.
Rather than being harmful to bees, humans can also find ways to be helpful to the bees. Instead of creating harm and threat to our precious bees, we should be nice and make our helping beneficial to them and their lives. Humans have many ways to help them, it’s just some people don’t know, or just don’t care. One way they can help is by planting gardens that have many types of plants that bees can pollinate, which improves our living circumstances and also the bees. By doing this, the bee can receive energy and growth, which can soon become useful when it gets back to its hive, as it can reproduce and also make more honey. Humans are also trying to create unharmful insect sprays so the bees won’t be hurt. These experts are trying hard to not let the bee population die, and we should, too. Humans have many benefits to bees' life, we just sometimes don’t show it well. We all can have many ways to help them, it depends on if we want to cooperate or not.
People can choose to help bees or not, but I think it’s up to their own choice. People may want to keep spraying pesticides and harm the bees, and some may want to help them like the ways I have mentioned. But either way, you can not blame them for their actions, because after all, people sometimes have no idea what they are doing, and don't have knowledge about what is happening to our poor pollinators after they spray it. Some people, like us will build gardens, make a hive, and feed bees, while some will continue to spray harmful sprays, step on them, or trap them. So, we can’t do anything to change them, but my opinion is to accept that they have their own ways of helping. As it mentions, “Although pesticides are not used to kill bees,”, which means that the person who is using the spray must not have been knowing that this will harm them, and it also means that no one means to harm the bees. So, everyone has their own opinions, and we shouldn’t actually think they are wrong. Pesticides and other harmful things can be very harmful to bees, we should do everything to help them, but don’t blame people who has a opposite opinion on them too.
Bees are very special to our environment but many people will harm them, and we should help the bees and support them so they won’t go extinct. Bees are very important, and people use many sprays and ways to try and get rid of them. They are wrong in some people’s pov, but sometimes, you think they are wrong, and they think they are right. And so the best way to not get into a argument, but to accept their opinion, and focus on changing bees your way too, without any distraction or arguments. Bees have been harmed for a long time by us humans, and some of them aren’t stopping at all, or they just have no idea what theta re doing is harming our precious pollinators. Bees are important and beneficial, so we should increase our benefit to their lives too, not just think nothing will go wrong and do things that we don’t know if it is right or wrong. At least, we should help them, not harm them. Bees are very gentle, so we should treat them the same way.