Bees are very important to us humans. We might think that it is not a big deal and think that we can easily live without bees, or even dislike them because they sometimes sting when they are aggressive. But the truth is, bees are vital to our survival. We should notice for one thing at the very least that bees only sting when they have to, or when they are being violently disrupted, and in fact, they don’t want to pick a fight with us any more than we do with them. So there is no reason to dislike them. Even after considering this, we should find that bees are important because they pollinate our crops. If this didn’t happen, there would be no way the world could support as many people as it has on it right now. Many important sources of food, as recorded in the U.S., more than 130 major types of vegetables and fruits were pollinated by bees. So are humans harming or helping bees? It turns out that in recent years, scientists have discovered that humans were affecting the bees very much, in a way that is both good as well as bad.
Humans have influenced bees a lot, which in a way is harming bees. These influences also contributed to the decline of the population of bees in recent years, as scientists have discovered. And according to National Geographic, the bees’ population almost decreased by half between 2018 and 2019. This was secondarily due to humans. The reason is because when farmers grow plants that bees pollinate, occasionally they would put on chemicals that were technically meant to end up getting on bad bugs and killing them, but sometimes the chemicals or pesticides end up on the bees. Usually, these chemicals are not harmful enough to bees to kill them immediately, but they still deal a lot of damage to the bee’s physical body, and they are even occasionally killed directly. Even though people may not mean to do these things, they are still harming the innocent bees. In this way, people are actually accidentally harming bees, even when they are unknowingly doing it. Therefore, humans have some actions that they took on bees that were bad.
Even though the people have harmed the bees in a way, many people are still trying to help them. These helpful things have improved the population of bees, growing more than before. Recently scientists discovered that the chemicals that some farmers used to prevent bad bugs from eating their crops had a very bad effect on the bees, and they set out working on trying to find an improvement or a chemical not as strong so that it would not be able to do so much harm to the bees. This was a very good idea and helped many bees survive this problem that the humans made. This was very important because then, more surviving bees would mean more crops pollinated, which is in general a good thing. With this idea, humans could undo the mistake that they had made in making the chemicals they used for farming strong enough that it could kill bees, which is not good. As you can see, people have had a good influence to recover the bad things that they did to our bees.
Seeing the good and the bad sides of people, or our influence on the bees gives us an understanding on what we can do to help them. Something we can do, no matter what, is to plant a garden. Even though this may not seem like something big, it is something big for the bees. Even if we plant one crop, that would basically mean a few more bees in the world, because the crops have the food for the bees. Then think about this. If we plant an entire garden, wouldn’t that be very helpful to the bees? Even though it may seem that there are very few things we can do for the bees, like everything is on the scientists, we can actually just plant a garden and that would mean more bees in the world. This is what we should focus on if we want to contribute something ourselves to the population of the bees. Thus, we should try to do all we can to help have more bees in the world.
Bees are extremely important to us. If we didn’t have bees, there would not be as much food in our world as there is now. This is essential for us to live. Unfortunately, sometimes they are recognized as being annoying, because they sting occasionally. Not many people could recognize that the needles on bees are only for self defense, and that they only are aggressive and attack humans when they are aggravated. If that is not the case, it is very rare that a bee would attack for no reason, without anyone disturbing the bee. The ways bees help us is way more than how they can harm us. Unfortunately, the bee’s population is decreasing by a lot. We can do many things to help with this, and scientists are trying to create chemicals that are less harmful to bees than before, since the original chemical was bad for bees. We can do things to help the bees as well. Helping bees reform their population will benefit both the bees and us.