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Future with Science - Travelling

We are making lives easier by using machines. but these machines can cause urban sprawl, pollution, and more. Scientists believe with every change we can build the planet a better future. We can Go to places by using earth friendly bicycles, Electric cars, and electric trains. We can close down big malls and start with little malls. These malls will not have parking lots, instead it will have bicycle racks. We can also buy vegetables in organic farms or grow them in your garden. That way you can enjoy fresh vegetables that you’ve grown yourself. That way the future world will be a better place with little pollution. Introduction to the topic - future life

In the future, people will have quicker and easier ways to travel. All the public transportation will be mixed together. All the transportation Will be connected to a computer. You only have to write where you want to go and a computer will organize everything for you. You will write in a box and the box will connect to other transportation tools. For example, you can get down from your office and walk to a box. The box will go down a pipe. It will then arrive on a boat. The boat will take you to a rocket. Most importantly, of all of those transportations you don’t have to leave the box. What is future travel like?

These devices help us not transport by changing from one place to another. These kinds of devices will infect people's lives. The device is very quick because you don’t have to change from car to car from train to train, it will put the transportation together that way it will be quicker. Another reason is because it has its own railroad so it will be very quick. The device is a one person place so you have some free time to work, read, or rest. You can do almost anything on the device. The device is very safe because the device knows where to go. What’s the benefit?

The box device needs to be controlled so it knows where you want to go.You first organize the device by your phone or computer. Then you may walk to the underground station below your office. Then it will tell you what box you will be in. Then you sit in the box and the box will take you to a pipe. You go through the pipe and relax yourself and have some me time. The box device will be very quick so even though you’re far away from work you can really just relax yourself and after a few minutes you’ll be at the place that you wanted to be. The big device is a special energy not electricity; it might mean nuclear energy. How does it work?

In conclusion, Devices and inventions impact our everyday lives. We use devices to make our lives easier by using it to be quicker and safer. We invent devices to find out new ways to make a change to our lives and make it better. Using a device shaped like a box, if people sat in there they could go anywhere in a short time. For example, now we need telephones to communicate with people that are far away. But if you use this device, you can go to the place where the person is that way you can use less energy and talk in person. I hope in just a little time in the future we can use this device. conclusion

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