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Function of Flashback

A flashback is a triggered memory that is a replay of one’s past or an incident that happened. Flashbacks can be used to support a theme or to work towards the development of a major theme. A Mason-Dixon Memory and The Sand Castle, offer great examples of a flashback. A Mason-Dixon Memory, is a memoir written by Clifton Davis about his friend Dondré Green’s experience and his [Clifton’s] own experiences as an African American living during segregation. The Sand Castle written by Alma Luz Villanueva is a short story about a woman named Masha and her memory as a little girl. In A Mason-Dixon Memory the flashback that occurs belongs to Clifton. When Dondré is talking about his experience as a black sports person, Clifton has a flashback of a younger version of himself in a similar situation. In The Sand Castle, the flashback belongs to Masha when she recalls going to the beach before global warming was a serious problem as a child. Flashbacks can say lots about someone and can offer information on the backstory or support a theme.

Flashbacks can often be connected to the present setting or situation one is in. Because a flashback is a triggered memory, it often relates to the setting of the current story or the situation of the current situation. In both stories, the flashback is highly connected to the current circumstances. In A Mason-Dixon Memory, the current scene is Dondré talking about the racism he experienced and how he received support from his friends. In the memory, Clifton recalls about the racism HE experienced and how he also received support from friends. In The Sand Castle, the reality is Masha and her grandchildren going to the beach. In the flashback, it also portrays what it’s like to go to the beach. However, due to the fact that it is a past memory, some things have been altered like how they didn’t have to wear protective gear and global warming wasn’t as serious. Flashbacks are triggered memories of a person which in literature, usually relates to the current situation that the main character is facing/experiencing. Flashbacks in literature are often similar to one another, both offering information of the past that relates to the present.

Historical context and scientific context and give readers/viewers a better understanding of what’s going on. Historical context is history based information that offers a historical background of something. Scientific context is scientific information that offers a scientific view/background of something. In A Mason-Dixon Memory, without understanding it’s historical context, it is hard to know what the story is based upon. The Mason-Dixon line is a line that separated the North from the enslaved South during the Civil War. The Mason-Dixon line determined the fate and rights of black people. In The Sand Castle, we get a scientific view of global warming. Global warming puts the life of many species into risk. A cause of this includes the slow destruction of the ozone layer. When the ozone layer is destroyed by the sun’s powerful UV rays, the rays from the sun are harmful and unbearable. Therefore, people in Masha’s community wear protective gear to face the sun. Historical and scientific context are important background information of a story. Both offer a deeper understanding of what is happening in the current setting. The context of a story helps develop themes and can also function as a theme.

Everything on Earth has an impact, similarly, everything we make also has an impact. While the levels of impact may differ, everything has an impact. For example, the food chain has factors that impact another factor which drives the cycle itself. In A Mason-Dixon Memory, the impact that is mentioned is racism. Throughout the story, we get to see the impact racism has had on colored people. Though it only portrays what it was like for black people to be discriminated against, other colored people of different races have also been discriminated against in history. This list includes many Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Latinos. The impact mentioned in The Sand Castle is the impact we make to our environment and the impact of global warming to us. When we are careless and release emissions into the air that are harmful to the atmosphere, we are impacting the environment and earth in a negative way. Afterwards, global warming impacts us and makes our life miserable and dangerous. Whatever we do leaves an impact on the world and not always these impacts are good. The impact we make can be good and bad and can be big or small.

Flashbacks are used in literature and can occur in real life. When flashbacks occur in real life, it can be called a deja vu. Flashbacks in literature helps develop a theme or support a theme. In A Mason-Dixon Memory, the flashback helps support the theme of racism. It shows how racism can occur in the real world and how it can impact us. In The Sand Castle, the flashback teaches us how the world was like in Marsha’s community before global warming. Flashbacks can have a significant impact and meaning and can contribute lots to literature or the field of literature.

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