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FRQ of After Twenty Years

Prompt #1

Why do you think Jimmy decided not to arrest Bob himself? Explain the factors that may have contributed to Jimmy’s decision. Be sure to cite specific evidence from the text to support your answer. (250w)

In the short story “After Twenty Years”, O. Henry illustrates a reunion near Big Joe’ Brandy’s restaurant between two friends, Jimmy and Bob. Jimmy, a police officer, meets Bob on time, but as the story later reveals, Jimmy is there to arrest Bob, a criminal. However, due to their deep and precious friendship, Jimmy decides not to apprehend Bob himself and sends another policeman to do the job. As the author depicts, despite Jimmy’s duty as police to protect justice, his reluctance demonstrates his emotional attachment and a sense of loyalty to his old friend. 

Throughout the story, it is clear that Jimmy is conflicted about meeting Bob. Their friendship is precious, and Bob remains loyal to Jimmy even though Bob is a criminal. Jimmy’s internal struggles demonstrate his reluctance to betray his friend. When Jimmy pretends to be a policeman, he twirls his club several times. The story writes, “Trying doors as he went, twirling his club with many intricate and artful movements.” The author hints to us that the policeman has personal emotions towards Bob by using descriptions of the way Jimmy twirls his club. Jimmy and Bob have a strong bond since they were best friends for a very long time, but as twenty years elapse, Bob has to be in custody due to his illegal actions. Jimmy’s actions reveal his moral tendencies and his respect for laws. Yet, his internal conflicts towards Bob and his betrayal of his friend prompt him to ask another person to arrest Bob, showing contrition by capturing his friend indirectly.

Prompt #2

It has been said that this is a story about divided loyalties. Compare the loyalties of the two main characters. How are they alike and different? Be sure to use specific examples from the text to support your claims. Why do you think O. Henry chose the twenty-year rendezvous in New York as the setting? (250w)

As the author O. Henry illustrates, the twenty-year rendezvous of two childhood friends demonstrates their divided loyalties. Since they parted twenty years ago, Jimmy and Bob have experienced divergent paths in life and become very different people. 'Silky' Bob, on the one hand, is wanted in Chicago as he commits many crimes, while Jimmy becomes a policeman. Their contrasting lives challenge their loyalty towards each other, and their loyalties are revealed when they keep their childhood promise and meet on time. 

Although Bob is a criminal who committed numerous sins, he still has a precious characteristic—loyalty. A twenty-year promise is difficult to remember, but despite the danger he might face ahead of him, he arrives at Joe’ Brandy’s restaurant as promised. On the other hand, Jimmy, a police officer, values his profession as a policeman and his duty to protect integrity, surpassing his personal feelings for his friend. Although Jimmy is dedicated to law, he still shares similar loyalty with his friend. He remains loyal to his friend by meeting his friend twenty years later at the same spot, exhibiting his devotion to their friendship. As Jimmy writes in his note, although he has the job to arrest Bob, he can't do it, so he “went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job.” One prioritizes his duty to uphold justice, while Bob ranks his relationship with Jimmy. 

O. Henry chooses the twenty-year rendezvous in New York as a setting for the disclosure of their friendship and their loyalty. The characters' reunion after twenty years emphasizes their treasured friendship despite their disconnection for decades. Twenty years is significant. The decades that passed also signify changes in people and society. Jimmy, on the one hand, becomes a “good man”, a police officer who has a job in New York, while Bob is wanted in Chicago and turns “bad”. 

Prompt #3

Based on what you know about Bob, write a letter from Bob to Jimmy in response to Jimmy’s note. Explain what Bob might have been thinking on the night he was arrested. Be sure to cite specific evidence from the text in your letter. (250w)


When I saw the face of the fake Jimmy Wells, I knew it was not you. I was already suspicious when I saw that person. You can’t be that tall. I’m glad you still remember how I look. It’s a pity I didn’t realize you were right in front of me. Twenty years is a long time, but I still remember clearly the day we were eating in Joe’ Brandy’s restaurant. As we promised, we 

ought to make our fortunes whatever they are. After I went to the West, I gained lots of wealth. I achieved my goal. You must’ve seen the shining diamond on my scarfpin and the handsome watch I wore. I wanted to show you if you were here. 

You’re the best chum I had, and I don’t entirely blame you for my arrest. You’re always a righteous man with good moralities, so I know that no matter how close we were, you would not let me elude. I was prepared for any mishap since I went to New York. 

We promised to meet twenty years later no matter what our conditions might be or for what reason we came here. I came here to meet my best friend, and you came here to feel my collar. At least you kept your promise. I believe we guessed the right thing. After twenty years, each of us has our destiny worked out. I made lots of money illegally, and you became an ethical policeman, Patrolman Wells. It's a perfect fit for you. I’m right now in jail, and this might be my destiny. 


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