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Explore the Moon

The moon is Earth’s closest neighbor, it is about one quarter of a million miles away, which is very close in space. The moon travels around Earth, and it is Earth’s only natural satellite. The moon takes about twenty-seven days, and eight hours to go around the Earth once. The moon is very close to the Earth, on the moon’s surface there is dark, and light, the places where you can see light are mostly on mountains, and hills, and the dark places are flatlands. Besides the light, and dark, there are also many craters on the moon. They are ring-shaped flatlands with walls around them, everytime you see the moon, they are in a different shape.

In 1961, the United States government tried to send a person to the moon. In 1971 the United States sent a space program, the space program was named Apollo, it was sent to take photographs, the photographs show the lunar landing ship Eagle on its way back from the surface of the moon. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first one to step foot on the moon. Neil Armstrong was one of the astronauts on the Apollo 11 flight to the moon. 

Did you know that a footprint could last forever on the moon? Because there is no air on the moon, and when there is no air, there is no wind to blow the footprint away. The moon is a silent, strange place. The moon has no sound because air carries sound, but there's no air. No matter how loud a sound can be on Earth, when it is made on the moon, it does nothing. Also, the skyon the moon is always black, not like Earth’s. The moon has no air, water, clouds, rain, or snow. The temperature on the moon is also very special, at daytime, it can be boiling, and at night time, it is freezing. 

We explore the moon because we want to move there. I'm not saying that the Earth is bad; it’s because if we can’t live on the Earth anymore, we can just go to the moon. Astronauts are bringing rocks from the moon to experiment on them. Fun fact, did you know that we can grow plants on the moon? Also, we go to the moon to learn about it, so we would be ready whenever we need to move to a new planet, and we won’t need to figure things out. Another reason is to experience our surroundings, just like when you were a baby, your mother would take you outside from your house to explore, same for the Earth, we want to experience what it’s like on the moon to understand the strange planet. 

We should go to the moon because it is hard, if it was easy, then everyone would do it, it’s like a challenge, and landing on the moon is like a goal. It’s like when you do something first, you're special and you're better than the others. Also, if you go to the moon, you could also get more technology, and you will also help the world. If Earth is in danger, why not live on the moon, it might seem impossible, but everything is possible,  if we study more about the moon, then one day we could even live there! That is why we should go to the moon.

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