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Electric Cars Come into People’s Lives, Good or Bad? (Good)

Ever since we found out that Global Warming is happening around us, we’ve tried many things to lessen it. One of them is Electric Cars, also known as e-cars. While many people think that this is an amazing thing that car brands have come up with, others think that it is problematic and expensive. Now, instead of using cars that are powered by gasoline, many people decided to use these electric cars, which run 100% on electricity. Many people argue that this is good for our environment, but others are complaining about the overpriced cost of these cars. So far, there have been many arguments about whether it’s a good thing that electric cars are slowly rising to fame. Currently, only 13% of all car sales in the world are e-cars, but it is estimated that the percentage will increase by a lot in 2023. Although e-cars have only been made a short while ago, they have already become very popular amongst our population. Many car brands like Nissan and Volvo are making e-cars. There has also been the production of hybrids, such as cars from Hyundai and Toyota. People often ask each other whether e-cars coming into our lives is a good thing, and based on all the good that it has done for our environment so far, I strongly believe that yes, e-cars are a good thing.

Our planet is currently producing tons of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, which can be reduced thanks to the existence of e-cars. In the entire history of human existence, there have been many types of transportation. From horses to airplanes, humanity has come up with various objects to help us get from one place to another. With e-cars, we would be reducing 36% of current greenhouse gas emissions. However, if we only had gasoline powered cars, we would technically be adding 41% to the current greenhouse gas emissions. E-cars are made for only good intentions, so why should we view them as bad ones? Although many people think that the price isn’t worth it, they must consider that it’s for the planet. A wise man once said; “From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” What this means is that we should consider spending this money so that the current global warming problems can lessen, even if it hasn’t fully died down. It’s these small steps that matter. This doesn’t necessarily mean that we can only use e-cars. For example, in every 16 cars that are bought, 6 cars could be electric. This way, it could compromise everyone, while still keeping our planet safe.

While regarding the safety of our citizens, we will notice that e-cars are actually much more safe than gas-powered cars. What this means is that more car accidents could be avoided thanks to e-car, how can we refuse that? Although it may seem expensive, we will come to realize that e-cars are worth every cent that they are being sold for. From extra protection, to more car accidents being avoided, e-cars have benefited our society majorly. Studies have shown that e-cars have a 50% less chance of being in a car accident than any other type of car. Of course people are going to consider the price they are going to have to pay for this extra safely, but as they always say; “Better safe than sorry!” It’s much more beneficial if we spend a little extra money to stay safer and to avoid injuring ourselves or even passing away because of car accidents. For example, if a gas-powered car was $76,263, the same width of this car, but as a e-car would be $93,245, but it also compromises safety, benefits for the environment, and much more. Now we can see just how much safer an e-car can be, we can re-think about the price’s worth. Not only that, but we can also now pay attention to the safety of the people and just how beneficial e-cars actually are for the human population.

We obviously look at the price of the cars themselves, but we should also think about the price of the recharges; we will realize that it is much less expensive to recharge electric cars. What this would mean is that if we’ve had these cars for a long time, then the gasoline-powered cars would end up to cost more money. The recharge of gas itself is much more expensive than a recharge of an electric vehicle, yet the e-cars are still more long-lasting than gas-powered cars. Imagine having to pay more for a shorter drive. If we were able to accept that into our society and gas-powered cars are still so popular, why can’t we accept e-cars, which are a much better deal to our society. Although the starting price costs a bit more, the after price is still much less than gas-powered cars. It is estimated that e-cars cost about 60% less to recharge than gas-powered cars per year. We can clearly see how this deal is better. For example, if we have used e-cars for a year, then that would mean we are spending around 40% less than people who drive gas-powered cars do. If people were to argue about the cost of e-cars, they are not thinking ahead, in the future. We can now see which pricing is much better.

“In order to have clean air in cities, we have to go electric.” E-cars don’t run on gas, so they pollute our planet much less. For a little higher of a price, e-cars can provide safety and also compromises, by making the vehicle capable of running a long distance with one charge. Also, the charging price is much lower than that of a gas-powered car. I don’t mean that we should eliminate the gas-powered cars completely, but we should still accept e-cars as a gift to our society. We can think of it as a chance to redeem ourselves. We have already polluted the world so much, and creatures are suffering because of it. Our planet is slowly being destroyed, and we shouldn't just sit there and contribute to the pollution. By using e-cars, we would be helping our planet to stop itself from being destroyed. Of course, there are many other things we could do to help, but accepting e-cars as a good thing in our society and appreciating it should still happen. Thinking of e-cars positively is just the first step. We have to realize just how important they make our planet and what would happen if there were no more e-cars.

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