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Electric Cars Come into People’s Life (Pros)

Have you ever noticed that more and more electric cars are appearing in cities around the globe? Will you consider owning an e- car? Since electric cars were first invented in 1986, there have been a variety of discussions about this modern style of car. Brands such as Tesla, NIO, Porsche are all selling electric cars all around the globe. Some believe that the electric cars have plenty of concerns, while others think the e-cars are saving the car industry, and view it as a great invention in all human history. From my point of view, I believe electric cars are good for our lives.

Firstly, electric cars are more manipulative and functional during use. No matter from the safety perspective or convenience, electric cars are good choices compared to gasoline cars. These cars are known to have a lower centre of gravity which makes them fewer likely to roll over, and creates a safer traffic environment, reducing the occurrence of car accidents. At the same time, you don’t need to head to any petrol station, because you are able to charge the cars at home or at your office. The battery itself is also sustainable for a long time. Sylvan Marty remarked that: “I personally tried driving more than 4 hours, in traffic, with the heat on full blast, and I wasn’t able to get it below 70-percent [battery] charge.” Now, over 60% of indoor parking lots have battery charges for electric cars. Beyond the battery, the smart screen inside the e- cars are also more functional compared to old gasoline vehicles.

Meanwhile, during use, electric cars are more economical. Initially, e-cars seem to be more costly compared to gasoline cars, which made people hesitate about it. However, they are also cost-effective for the running costs for the long-term. Compared to fuel, charging a battery is cheaper while driving at the same distance. Add up with other factors—— handling performance, safety, less maintenance, which made electric cars more economical. Take Tesla as an example. You need $5.65 to fully charge the battery of 2021 Standard Range Model 3, which brings the cost of $1.91 per mile. But a gasoline car at the same price will cost $10 per mile. Even if you prefer to rent an e-car, it will only cost $20 every week. To sum up, if you are trying to save money, electric cars are a good choice for you.

Electric cars produce less lifecycle emissions, and protect the environment. With climate change and development of human industry, the mission of protecting the environment is becoming essential. In the long run, electric cars are a better choice for humans. Gasoline cars emit a lot of carbon emissions, which are more than 70% of the factors in global warming, according to WRI’s Climate Watch. The carbon emissions are over 40 tons in the life cycle of only one gasoline car. This number of electric cars is 45% lower. A liter of petrol in our daily car emits up to 3kg of carbon dioxide. To the concerns that the production of raw materials will pollute the environment, the Yale university gave a response—— Even considering the indirect pollution to the environment, electric cars still have strong advantages over fuel cars. The researchers considered the pollution of batteries, raw material extraction, and machining process. Collectively, the effects on the environment of an electric car are in the long-term.

In conclusion, electric cars are great inventions for us. They improved our quality of life. No matter from which perspectives, electric cars have great advantages. It has stronger convenience, more sustainable, and better economic efficiency. Most importantly, it’s friendly to the earth’s environment. With these positive effects, it’s a great option for people to consider buying one. E-cars are already wild spread in New York, Boston, London and other megacities. I believe that in the future, the industry of e-cars is going to be mature, which will help people with different needs.

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