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Electric Cars Come into People’s Life (Cons)

Electric Cars come into people’s lives, that is because electric vehicles have relatively little impact on the environment, so they are widely favored by the public. The dealers of electric vehicles all said that electric vehicles can reduce the harmful gas, air, and noise pollution emitted by vehicles, and can drive more than 150 miles (241 kilometers) on a single charge. However, are electric vehicles really as environmentally friendly and economical as they say? My answer is “No”. The battery used in electric vehicles contains non biodegradable hazardous substances. Once the battery is scrapped and cannot be used again, it will cause permanent harm to the environment. In addition, the batteries of current new energy electric vehicles need to be replaced regularly, so the use cost of electric vehicles is not very economical. So electric cars are not absolutely good for people.

The charging facilities of e-cars are not perfect, and car charging posts are not popular in many regions. However, the endurance of e-cars is about 400km, which means that the vehicles need to be charged after running 400km. Although many hotels now have charging posts at the entrance, the number of charging posts is far from enough. In many second and third-tier cities, it is impossible to realize the privatization of charging piles. In addition, the use efficiency of the charging pile is low. One charging pile can only charge one electric vehicle, and the vehicle that needs to be charged behind can only wait. Imagine that your electric vehicle is about to run out of power and may be stranded on the road at any time. Even if you are lucky enough to barely hold a meeting in the community, the car runs out of power when you open the door, and your door will not close. If it is raining cats and dogs outside at this time, the rain will soon be in your car. Meanwhile, it is important to notice that the charging pile site is poorly managed. When the battery is full, no one will help you unplug it. Charging is extensive, which seriously affects the service life of the battery.

The battery of electric vehicles doesn’t have a long life, and the cost of replacing the battery is very expensive. Battery water loss fault, battery imbalance fault, battery sulfation fault, battery short circuit fault, battery open circuit fault, etc. These common problems need to be repaired in the workshop, and these expenses add up to a large sum. Therefore, electric vehicles are not as economical as those merchants said. In addition, even if you regret buying electric cars and want to sell them in the second-hand market, according to statistics, the value preservation rate of electric cars is low, and the depreciation of electric cars in the second-hand market is fast. Many second-hand car dealers are also unwilling to buy and sell electric cars. Even if you pay no small amount of maintenance fees, the price of second-hand sales is not ideal. Relatively speaking, buying traditional cars is more cost-effective. Although regular repair and maintenance are also required, the depreciation rate of such cars is much lower, and second-hand sales will also bring about objective profits, making them more affordable and durable.

Compared with mature fuel vehicles, the technology of electric vehicles is not mature, and there will be potential safety hazards when used. Electric vehicles only entered the Chinese market years ago, but their sales volume increases every year. However, with the popularity of electric vehicles, technical failures have occurred one after another. Recently, when a female owner was driving a Tesla electric car in Hangzhou, the car suddenly entered automatic driving mode, and she was unable to control the car to stop safely. Later, Tesla carried out an investigation into the accident and admitted it was a technical fault of Tesla. Compared with traditional gasoline vehicles, new energy-electric vehicles are indeed more environmentally friendly, but the current safety problems still need to be further improved.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that the electric vehicle is an innovation that scientists hope to develop energy-saving and environment-friendly travel modes. However, there are still many problems to be solved for new energy electric vehicles, such as the pollution of waste batteries of electric vehicles to the environment; how to improve driving safety; how to prolong the service life of the battery, and the reasonable layout of the charging pile. As there is no good solution to the above problems, I think it is not good to promote electric vehicles widely and people should drive electric vehicles cautiously.

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