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Does Nature Need Our Help?

Humans use up more and more natural resources in their daily lives. Coal, fuel, and oil are all being consumed. Overconsumption is starting to become a problem with the mass usage of one resource. Humans are also causing more pollution as they burn fossil fuels. The fossil fuels create greenhouse gasses, which is really harmful to the atmosphere. Damaging the atmosphere, the Earth’s ‘protective layer’ weakens, and the Earth is exposed to more and more of the sun’s direct light. With global warming, ice caps, snow, and usual icebergs are melting, which leaves less space to live for some animals. The excessive heat also makes it harder for some animals to live. Without a suitable place to live, animals are becoming endangered, and some might even be facing extinction. That’s why some people are bringing up ‘assisted migration’ to help plants move to cooler places. This act has received support and criticism. However, I believe that assisted migration of plants is an act crucial for the environment.

There are good and bad parts about assisted migration. Benefits can really help plants and animals survive in this warming world. To start with the foremost simplest fact, if we don't move the plants to a cooler environment, they will die. Simple. If the plants do not move, they will dry up in the rising temperature, wither, and then die. Scientists support this fact with a cite about a report from 2007. The report states that “ about 20 to 30 percent of species could face extinction with the rising temperature in the next few decades.” Without these plants, the world and ecosystems could be barely, or dramatically different. Assisted migration can help ensure that a species occurs in many redundant locations or across a range of conditions, which helps reduce risk from uncertain climate impacts. This will ensure plants safety and range. Assisted migration will also help plants have a suitable place to live and get nutrients so the plants can thrive.

Of course, there are also disadvantages and cons of assisted migration. Nothing can suit everyone. By moving one species to somewhere else, we are introducing (to the new area) a non–native species. If the species expands, it can result in invasive species. Finally, the invasive species will start to take over the nearby ecosystem and consume the native species, putting them in danger of extinction when they might not have been in before. Also, if we continue with assisted migration, it can result in a shortage of nutrients. Some nutrients essential for plant growth include water, air, sunlight, oxygen, carbon, potassium, nitrogen, hydrogen, and phosphorus. With more plants in one area, plants will be fighting for nutrients. If there is not enough, plants will also die. Lastly, any migration of any species will often disrupt the balance of nature and might cause ripple effects.

My opinion on whether we should continue with assisted migration or not is affirmative, we should. There are a lot more benefits to assisting plants with their migration. Plants cannot flap wings and fly away or grow legs and walk. Without human’s help, plants could be in serious trouble with global warming. Also, if we don’t move the plants, there will be a loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity is really important to the balance of nature, and without it, we might be only seeing one daisy among a meadow full of dandelions. Biodiversity ensures that there is a bit of everything. Assisted migration can help populations and species move across ecological barriers in fragmented landscapes. Plants will need a lot of help to move across the land, and assisted migration is there to help solve that problem. Without some plants, the ecosystems will also be messed up, and we humans depend on ecosystems to live. Without assisted migration, many things will be different in wildlife.

Overall, assisted migration is actually pretty beneficial to the environment. Without it, we might not be seeing all the plants, flowers, trees, and small shrubs we see everyday. Assisted migration has helped plants move into safer environments and continue living. Even though the disadvantages are still something to look at, assisted migration has still helped in many ways in the world of plants. The world of nature continues to expand and shrink. With urban sprawl, humans are taking away more lands, but wildlife never stops. Oceans continue flowing, trees continue growing, and flowers continue blooming. The sound of nature is more important than ever as we humans continue taking up natural resources. We must pay attention to the world around us and work together to keep it thriving. No action is done without deliberation; whatever we do has a consequence. In order for nature and wildlife to stay as it is now, humans must take action correctly before it is too late.

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