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Does Money Buy Happiness?

Happy is defined as feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. Some people believe that money does bring happiness, for example, buying expensive houses with large TVs and a swimming pool. But, studies show that happiness comes from money isn’t necessarily true. There is an adage, “Money Can’t Buy Happiness”, which means that people cannot obtain happiness with money. People have different ideas on how to create happiness, which is a feeling or a state of mind. Indeed, money is important in some ways, but happiness doesn’t always come from money.

It is true money can sometimes bring people happiness because we live in a material world. For example, people use money to buy their favorite things to please themselves, such as clothes, movies, games, or toys, and purchase their favorite food or drinks with money. For instance, I love pokemon cards and when I bought a card pack, the highlight of the day is opening it. When I disclose each pokemon’s name, I lose excitement, and soon, I completely forget about it. Then I will want more pokemon cards to get newer ones. People always crave for newer equipment or device because the things would bring happiness, but the things don’t have lasting value, so the happiness through the purchase doesn’t last long.

Having a large amount of money doesn’t mean someone would have a lifetime of happiness. According to 2010 research by Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, people’s happiness starts to drop off at around $75,000 a year. Beyond $75,000, more money won’t buy one more happiness. The classic novel “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens introduces Scrooge, a selfish, old man who isn’t willing to share his money with others even though he has enormous wealth. Additionally, Scrooge lives in misery and he is chased by three ghosts, the past, present, and future, on Christmas Eve, the most joyful time for many people. At the end of the story, Scrooge discovers his happiness in generosity. More money doesn’t guarantee individuals can achieve more happiness.

Happiness can be obtained through overcoming challenges and other activities. For example, I practice my basketball skills every day. Through my hard work, I am able to score my first point in a basketball game, which made me very pleased with my accomplishment. Additionally, I feel cheerful when I spend my time with all of my family members and friends. Not only big things can make people happy, but also small things can too. For instance, a kind word from a friend or teacher can make you feel happy as well as contribute to the community or help the environment, which cannot get through money. People can also achieve happiness from their hobbies. For instance, playing an instrument, gardening, yoga, hiking, or reading a book. There are multiple ways to gain happiness without money.

In conclusion, money can’t buy happiness all the time. It may be true that people can obtain happiness with money to make their lives comfortable and meet their basic needs. But those things give one happiness for a very short amount of time. Ways to achieve true happiness is by doing things you love to do. For example, I love to build LEGOs and painting. Not only doing your favorite things can buy you happiness, but happiness can be obtained through hard work, which would create a happy memory that can last for a long time.

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