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Do People Really Change?

Before any research, it was a question on if people change as they grow older and older. Scientists thought that people can’t really change their personalities, but research shows that people really do change as they grow. The “Big Five” are the five main human personalities: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability. According to a survey, as teenagers grow into adults, three of the personalities in the “Big Five” would get higher: conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability, meaning that teenagers would become more responsible, agreeable, and emotionally stable. In other words, people grow more mature as they enter adulthood. People do change over time, and changing is never a bad thing.

One of the most important factors of the changing in personality is the identity; identity makes us who we are and strongly contributes to change. The identity of each person includes many different parts, known as the “Big Five” The five main personalities are what group together to form one’s identity; each identity is like a fingerprint, in which none are the same. According to research, when a teenager grows into an adult, one normally becomes more responsible, agreeable, and emotionally stable, or, in other words, more mature. But why is maturity good for one? states that, “Maturity improves the ability to make good decisions. And with wise choices comes more stability in your life overall. Gone is the flurry of bad relationships, iffy decisions, wild nights out and horrible jobs. As you settle down, life becomes that much more stable and, consequently, easier to handle.” People can change in other ways too, outside of the “Big Five”: one can gain more trust from another, one can develop different opinions, and a lot more factors that contribute to improving one’s identity. Identity is a distinct factor when one changes and can especially contribute in helping one improve in personality.

Resilience is one of the different types of personalities that can change during one’s growth. Resilience is the capability for one to quickly maintain a normal and good structure, even during difficulty. Higher levels of resilience means higher maintenance and more toughness in one person. Many people develop higher rates and levels of resilience mostly when they enter early or late adulthood. Adults normally experience many difficulties and challenges that strike them down, but soon, they will get used to it. And once they get used to all the obstacles and are familiar with new ones, they will soon learn to quickly withstand and recover after or during a challenge. Surprisingly, resilience provides great prevention of mental health problems. According to, “Resilience can help protect you from various mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Resilience can also help offset factors that increase the risk of mental health conditions, such as being bullied or previous trauma.” The reason for that is, since resilience is simply the ability to successfully adapt to, when one is knocked down to bad conditions, such as being bullied, they can easily get back up and continue to enjoy life. One with low levels of resilience might think about being bullied all the time, causing anxiety and depression. Resilience is one of the many different changing personalities, and can greatly prevent mental health problems.

As people grow and change, and their good personalities grow higher levels, leading to the main goal: success in life. As we grow, we become more mature and might also develop higher rates of other factors, such as resilience; then, through a period of time, either short or long, one can be led to success through hard work. Success could be one of the hardest life goals without a well structured identity with balanced personalities and good factors and personalities, such as high rates or levels of the factors among the “Big Five” or other personalities outside of the “Big Five”, such as resilience. If one doesn’t have all of those key things, success would require years, or even decades of hard work to achieve, as one doesn’t have the responsibility, passion, emotional stability, or other requirements. Maturity, resilience, and passion are some of the most important personalities in achieving success. Maturity lets one be more responsible, agreeable, and stable throughout the process of reaching success; resilience contributes in having one quickly bounce back and ‘recover’ when a challenge or obstacle is occurring; passion simply gives one the willingness and eagerness to walk this specific pathway to success - without it, one would be bored sooner or later and rather give up than keep going. Success is everyone’s main life goal; but in order to reach it, one must have a balanced identity structure and require levels of different personalities.

For a long time, a big question has bothered many scientists: Do people really change? Nowadays, scientists have found out that not only do people change their personality, changing is also good for people. When teenagers grow into adults, they become more mature, but some might also develop higher rates of other factors, outside the “Big Five”. Identity is the structure of personalities in one person; but everyone’s identity is different - just like a fingerprint. Resilience is one other factor and personality outside of the “Big Five”; it lets one immediately or quickly withstand and recover from certain challenges or difficulties. The identity, personalities, and other factors all contribute to everyone’s goal: success. As people do change quite a lot when they grow, changing is never a bad thing; moreover, it helps us a lot in the future.

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