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Do People Really Change?

Change is a topic that is being brought up a lot recently by scientists and researchers. People are debating whether we are actually changing throughout our life. A long time ago, people used to think that we never actually change who we are, but in our modern society, people tend to believe that we actually do change as we grow older, and begin to see the world from a different perspective and have different thoughts about the same thing as we grow older. Recent articles are saying that people change as they mature, and it is only a natural part of life. This is something that we see all around us. For example, we can see changes in weather and changes in our environment. We can see so many things around us change, but can we really change, or do we stay the same our entire lives?

There are some things that must stay the same, like who our biological parents are, but there are other things that can be changed, like our identity and personality. Many thieves change their identities to not be caught by police and people can also change their personality because they don’t want to stay the same. Many people change their genders because they don’t really identify with their birth genders, they want to be transgender. People change their identities for many reasons, some of them including, they might just not like their old self or perhaps insecurities. For any reason we should always be inclusive and respect their decisions. People’s personality can change throughout time, and so can our identity.

People who change their identity sometimes get hate. Not everyone is okay with the fact that humans have their rights to change who they are, therefore people who want to change their identities must stay resilient. Not everyone accepts people’s rights to be who they want to be, most of that reason is jealousy. Although if one has decided to change their identity they must not regret their decision and learn to not let people’s word get to their heart. Being resilient can be hard, just like recovering from a broken heart, although a warrior would stand up after they fall, even if their injury is bad and that’s what makes them who they are. Changing identity or personality can be something not everyone agrees with, although if one is happy with who they are, they shouldn’t let other harmful words get to them.

One who doesn’t let others break them down and continues to do or be who they are, by definition has succeeded. People who change their identity yet don't let hate get to them have more or less succeeded in life, because with that resilient personality they have they can do anything. On top of that there are examples of transgender ceo who have succeeded in life, for example Martine Rothblatt, perhaps not everyone has heard of her, but she has succeeded her business and have been successful in life. Changes are not always bad, they might bring success in life and it doesn’t necessarily mean success as in business it might mean success in personality and moral standards. Even if one wants to change, then we should accept their decision and be supportive, then it will help and support someone who are suffering because others don’t aceept and support who they are.

Change is something that should be taken very seriously, and is in all of our lives one way or another. Even if we don’t know it, we are all somehow connected to change. In an essay by Jessica McBirney, she showed us the different perspectives of change, and we can now see that change isn’t always that big and doesn’t have to seem as an intimidating topic. Sometimes, change can just mean a change in favorite foods, or favorite colors. We all change as we mature, although this isn’t the case for everyone. I believe that we should learn to respect people if they change, so that we will also be respected when we decide to change, whether it means appearance or personality. We should never change because someone doesn’t like the way we are. We should only change for ourselves, and do the right thing.

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