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Do People Really Change?

Many people are born with different personality traits that make each individual person unique, and psychologists were able to identify five important traits that universally help us understand someone’s personality. These “Big Five” traits are openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, and emotional stability. As one matures, these traits can change and the level of these big five traits can also change. Though our personalities may change, the relationship between these “Big Five” traits often stay similar. Throughout our life, our personalities do change, and it isn’t random, as it is usually the cause of becoming more mature.

Changing how one behaves doesn’t mean changing the identity of someone. Your identity is who you are, your race, your gender, and what you identify yourself as, not how you behave and act/choose. Changes in your personality as you mature and the choices you make doesn’t change your identity. Whether you are willing to try new things or not doesn’t determine who you are. Your level of responsibility also doesn’t determine your identity. Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert also doesn’t change or determine your identity. Agreeableness and emotional stability are both visible traits that can allow others to label you, but not identify you. One’s identity is something deep down that can not be determined by one’s actions and choices.

Having a growth mindset and resilience can change one’s personality and help one succeed. A growth mindset describes the way someone views challenges and setbacks and resilience is the determination and continuation of doing something difficult. Both of these actions can change one’s personality and can contribute to success. The trait of openness to experience and having a growth mindset are related to one another. When you are open to new experiences, you often have a growth mindset. And trying something new, you need to be resilient which then can lead to success. Having a growth mindset and resilience when doing something are good traits that may or may not change one’s personality.

Throughout time, change can occur to people and people do change over time. This could also mean changing one’s personality. Changing one’s personality is a big deal, as it can impact someone emotionally and mentally. Changing your personality can sometimes be a good thing, and sometimes be a bad thing. Perhaps you are trying to reshape your life, and changing your personality may be a good thing. However, sometimes we change ourselves because we are insecure and that’s not always good. Change in one’s personality comes as someone is maturing and it is totally normal. Most times, we should just wait for this change to happen by itself, instead of forcing it. As one matures, it is natural for someone to change and people changing is part of growing up and coming of age.

Our personalities do transform over time and research has shown that clearly. Perhaps when we were kids, we behaved one way, but as we aged, we behaved and acted differently. It is important to remember that this change is normal and it will occur sometime in our lives and it isn’t necessary for us to initiate this change forcefully ourselves. The “Big Five” traits, openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, and emotional stability will change and alter as we mature, but the relationship of these traits will stay the same. Change does happen in one’s personality and people do change which can be a good thing that has a forever positive impact.

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