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Do People Really Change

Do people really change? That is a question billions have asked themselves and others, and no one has come up with a perfect answer. Do People Really Change is an article that delves into this meaningful topic, and it helps us learn that while personality traits can change immensely over time, our core identity is something that is part of ourselves. We can change, but our identity is something that is ours and stays the same throughout our lives. This study shows that the “Big Five” features three traits that are likely to change over time, but the balance of the ratios between our traits are likely to change minimally or completely stay the same. Do People Really Change is an insightful glance into the mind of humans.

The first major change in a person’s personality is their emotional stability. Their emotional stability often increases as a person gets older, showing that adults are often more mature than children. Children are often immature, but adults have more self-control and they are normally more emotionally stable. This change is very likely to happen in most people. In Do People Really Change, emotional stability is one of the “Big Five” and is considered to be an important personality trait, one that scientists found changed quite often over time, and it normally increased as a person got older. This trait is very important, because it allows us to stay calm in stressful situations, and it can make us more efficient. Our identity won’t change if we become more mature. Identity cannot be changed in the core, but it can be articulated for the better. We can change physically, mentally, and emotionally but we cannot change our identity. Emotional stability is a great trait that gets better and better over time by making us more mature.

Another large change in one of your traits is in your conscientiousness, which helps you be more responsible and think about your actions. This trait allows us to own up to a mistake, or admit that we were wrong. It can allow for better teamwork and more kindness. Children normally don’t admit that they were wrong very often, but grown-ups are more responsible and will admit that they made a mistake. In Do People Really Change, conscientiousness is listed as a trait that shows “How responsible are you?” It allows us to work with others better and be more humble by allowing us to be more kind to each other and admit our mistakes. This characteristic is very useful and helps us work together. This trait is tied to our identity, but our core-self won’t change still because this trait will simply increase, causing our identity to improve but not essentially change. This trait normally increases over time as you get older and more responsible, and it changes by a lot. It can help us concentrate and work harder. Conscientiousness allows us to acknowledge our mistakes and help us work together to fix them.

The final trait that increases as a child matures into an adult is agreeableness, a trait that measures your kindness, benevolence, and your generosity. As kids, we like hoarding our goodies and we rarely share, except to our closest friends. Children are often quite mean to each other and they insult each other all the time. However, adults are often very civil and mannered. In Do People Really Change, adults are often kinder than children, showing how this trait clearly changes and often increases over time. A normal kid would not donate money to random charities, but adults have more empathy and they donate to help ease the pain of others. This characteristic is possibly most related to our identity, because it shows how kind we are, but if we started off kind and ended slightly kinder, our identity would still stay the same. The relationship between our traits always stays similar enough that our identity stays the same. This trait is perhaps the most important one, because it can make us happier and make the world a better place.

Our identity is something that completely belongs to us and is something that we cannot change in its core. It can be edited and improved, but who you truly are can never be changed. Out of the five most important traits, three of them change the most from child to adult. These traits are emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. These traits are how mature and calm you are, how responsible and how often you admit your mistakes, and how kind and benevolent you are. In Do People Really Change, this article recounts a study that examines human personalities over time, proving that while our identity might not change, our traits can change massively. Our identity is our core, and even though our traits may change over time, the ratio between our personality traits are always similar. We just have to try to be the best people we possibly can by being as kind and humble as possible.

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