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Do People Really Change?

Change is an essential aspect of life, whether it means change in personality, change in mindset, etc… When people say that they have changed, they could’ve meant it positively or negatively. Either way, there have been many different theories in the past as to whether people actually change or just adapt to a different situation or opinion. It's not as simple as to just claim that someone has changed or someone hasn’t. Research must be done based on this subject because there are many different incidents where people have thought to have changed but actually haven't. Change isn't something we can just claim to be going through. There have been many different viewpoints of change throughout the years, and we can see that based on what people have said on this topic. Before, people used to think that we never exactly change who we are throughout our life and stay pretty much the same. Nowadays, more people tend to believe that people really do change throughout their life. We can view this subject in many different ways, and we can also interpret change in many different ways. For example, when we're thinking of change based on maturity, it is pretty much certain that we will mature as we grow up. However, if we are thinking about bad habits, some people don't tend to change these habits as they grow up.

A person can change interests and hobbies but can they really change who they truly are? This brings us to the theme of identity. Identity can mean many things, including personality, physical and mental disabilities or problems, allergies, names, birth places, etc… Based on personalities, studies have shown a bit less than 82% of the human population experience changes in their personalities as they grow up. Not only do most adults experience maturity and take more responsibility for their actions, most adults also have a better sense of what’s right and what’s wrong, although this isn’t necessarily the case for all adults. Physical or mental disabilities sometimes do change as people grow up, but usually stay the same. It’s very common for people to change their birth names, but they have and always will have had a time where their last name was their actual name. Things that people can never change are things that already occurred, such as where they are born. A person can’t choose to be born somewhere, because if they could, why would people still be in places like North Korea? What this means is that no one can choose when or where they are born. However, there are also things people can change, like their gender. Many transgender people changed genders because they didn’t feel like identifying as their birth gender. Although we shouldn’t let this kind of thing define us, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be at liberty to change who we are.

Although change is one of the most common things in life, not everyone is able to adapt to a new situation. Being a resilient person means being able to stay motivated during hard times, and being able to adapt to change, in general. A resilient person isn’t necessarily someone who doesn’t change, and just adapts to it. Resilient people are actually more likely to be noticed as people who changed, because they are able to handle the pressure of having to change. People who aren’t resilient are most likely to change for their own benefits with their complete own consent, while more than ⅓ of all resilient people changed because of a traumatic event, which in their case isn’t exactly the best thing. But what does resilience really have to do with change? We can view resilience as one of the many forms of change. This means that it is one of the reasons that people change, which is either because they have a strong mindset that will allow them to adapt to change, or because they have experienced something very traumatic that led them to change. For example, if someone fell down a flight of stars because they were watching their phone while walking down the stairs, it’s pretty obvious that they will change to avoid this incident from occurring ever again to them. Clearly, resilience is something we must consider while looking at the theme of change.

While we usually look at only one side of a certain subject, there are multiple sides to how success can relate to change. Success doesn't always mean succeeding in a test, succeeding in convincing someone something, success can also mean succeeding in getting out of a bad habit. One of the many ways that success relates to change is that when we succeed in a certain thing, we are likely to have a change in mindset or emotion. For example, if a person were to succeed in a test that they have practiced for for a long time, they might have a change in personality. Before the test, they could be extremely stressed, which will give them a naturally negative mindset. However, after knowing that they have succeeded on this test, they will most likely be much happier and easier to communicate with because all the pressure they have been holding on their shoulders will have been gone. That is how success leads to change. If we look at it the other way, change can also lead to success. This doesn't necessarily guarantee someone's success if they change, because we must remember that change isn't always a good thing. Let's view an example of where change is truly a good thing. If someone were applying for a job that includes public speaking and they have a fear of doing that, if they are able to change and grow out of this fear, they will have a higher chance of getting this job. These two ways both lead to one another somehow, which is why change is related to success.

There were many different beliefs on the subject of change throughout the centuries. We have recently come to the conclusion that it is normal for people to change as they grow older, because they have a different mindset, they have more experience in life, and they have basically matured. Change is normal and it should be viewed like any other aspect in life, but in my essay, I have proven why change is related to so many things, and I have explained why people change as they grow. To answer the question that was posed at the beginning, yes, people do change. This doesn't necessarily mean that they change everything in their entire life, it doesn't mean that if they were kind when they were younger, they won't be kind as they grow older. In my opinion, it really depends on who the person is and how they adapt to change. Recent news articles show that it is more common for people to change when they experience change around them. This means that anybody could change and it's not always a bad thing to have changed, although it is not necessarily always a good thing. In conclusion, people change every single day, whether it means they have a change in preferences, habits, height, schools, and more. Although this subject might not really seem important in our lives, it should be regarded just as seriously as school.

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