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Discussion on The Iraq Blog

The Iraq War Blog, a first-person blog that talks about the days of the Iraq War, was written by Faisal Al-Araji, Raed Jarrar, and Khalid Jarrari. The blog depicts the narrator, living under the war, feeling depressed and traumatic, afraid that the family will be killed. Throughout the depressing days that the narrator mentions, the picture of a deserted and fragmented place comes to mind. On the blog of Sunday, February 29, 2004, the narrator’s relative’s son had been abducted while he was on his way to the university. Although she has a close relative in the family, the narrator stays calm and undisturbed while the others are panicking and anxious. As the chaotic situation already happened umpteen times before, the narrator didn’t panic and wasn’t astounded. As a Muslim, she believes everything happens in God’s will. The insurmountability of the abduction can only be prevailed due to God’s will.

The author’s point of view remains objective. Her hope for the war all relied on God; she had her longing for the good life and the end of the catastrophe. Throughout the blog on February 29, she was consistent in expressing her faith and trust in God’s plan, emphasizing that the outcome of the war was ultimately out of her control. She remained calm and resilient despite the chaos and uncertainty around her, finding comfort in her conviction that everything occurs according to God's will. The author expresses her perspective by giving her relatives encouragement to have faith in God's plan and to trust that he would guide them through difficult times. She reassures that despite difficulties, they would hold to their vision of a better future, and maintain their faith and believe God is in control of everything. Through her remarks and words of encouragement, she provides others with a source of strength. Reminding them to find solace in their faith during these traumatic times and remain faithful.

With the comfort of her own words and thoughts of the almightiness of God, the narrator herself gets modified from her belief and faith. The author articulates her position of finding strength and support in her reliance, and how it has transformed her perspective on life. She highlights the importance of staying hopeful and dedicated to one's beliefs. The fulfilled feeling of safety under the protection of one’s beliefs provides a sense of purpose and resilience during challenging times. The narrator’s unwavering hope inside her own belief serves as a guiding light, inspiring others to hold onto their hope and anticipate a better future and life without wars. Throughout her depictions, she emphasizes that the power of belief not only serves as a floating board on an ocean that helps an individual solve their struggles but also fosters a collective sense of unity and peace. By sharing her life and experiences, the narrator encourages others to embrace their beliefs and find consolation in the hope of a world free from warfare and barbarity.

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