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Debate on Tian Ji’s Horse Racing (Affirmative)

Tian Ji’s Horse Racing is a story that Chinese people think to be true. In this story, a man called Tian Ji wants to race with the king. He has three horses, all of different levels, which are regular, plus, and super. The king has the same level of horses, but since he is the king, he has better horses for each level, meaning that he will win every round if he puts up his horses against Tian Ji’s horses that are the exact same level as his. In the races, Tian Ji plans that there will be three races, and starts to plan out his strategy. During the race, Tian Ji decides to put his slowest horse against the king’s fastest horse. Although he will for certain lose this race, he can win the rest. The next race is Tian Ji’s fastest horse against the king’s medium horse, and he wins this one for certain. The last race is his medium horse against the king’s slowest. With this strategy, Tian Ji wins two of the three races, and therefore wins the whole thing. Many people who hear this story think it is a very good judgment on Tian Ji’s side, but others think it is a bad unfairness. I think that this story is an example of good judgment. The story shows many good reasons why I think it is good judgment.

Tian Ji’s story shows that he is very clever, and uses strategic thinking and wisdom to accomplish something he wants to accomplish. People can sometimes use clever thinking and have a good result, while in other times they can not think smartly and get a bad result. They can be very logical, and also be very illogical and undetermined at some times. Tian Ji was very clever. He used strategy to go up against a stronger opponent, and used logical thinking. This resulted in his win of the race. People should use wisdom to accomplish something. This theme can be represented by using the phrase “work smarter, not harder”. People should not just brute force something to accomplish it, but they should use their mind, think about the situation, and solve the problem using their logical thinking and strategy. Having a logical brain and thinking rationally can lead to a better result than when people are not thinking but just working. People who think logically before are clever, and should have a good way to solve a problem. Tian Ji was clever in his situation. If people can follow his example, they can also be clever and rational. Tian Ji was very clever, smart, and logical, and so he won the race using good judgment.

Tian Ji thought of the idea almost nobody else thought of, and was very original with it and did not follow the traditional way. The traditional way would be to race the horses against the ones with the same level, but Tian Ji did not do that. Tian Ji did not follow that way. He used another way that was better and more effective. He put horses against different levels that would ensure a win in the end. This shows that people do not always have to do what others do to get to a goal. They can do what they want to do, and the way should be good. Although the way anybody usually uses is the way everybody else does it, they do not need to follow others. They can be independent and make their own way up. Tian Ji shows an example that people do not need to use the old way, and that they can use the way that is the most logical for the situation. If everybody uses the same way, there is no variety in the world, and also no discoveries or inventions because people always will follow everybody else and not do things on their own. Being creative can lead to many benefits. It can lead to being the most successful because the person who is the most creative can think of the most good ways. Tian Ji shows an example of thinking for himself and using a completely new way that has just been introduced into the world.

People should never be too greedy and ask for too many things, since that could result in losing everything and not gaining anything. Some people ask for too much, and as a result, they get nothing. They should have not focused on little things and focused on the big things. Tian Ji was not too greedy. He accepted losing the first race, and that was because he knew he would win the rest. He was not too greedy to win everything. If he had focused on the little race, he would have lost the whole thing, but he didn’t. People who are greedy do not get anything out of it, not even the things they want. Having greed can harm the person and others, since they develop a bad mindset. Being too greedy leads to everybody thinking that they did not get what they actually deserved, even when they did. This makes injustice, such as people stealing from others because they are greedy and expect more than what they got. Also, greedy people tend to fail, because focusing on little things means that the big things will never get accomplished. Being too greedy makes the person want more and more, which can mentally harm the person. They will do whatever they think can get the thing they want, and that can also harm others. Tian Ji sets the example to never be too greedy, since that has bad effects on anybody who is too greedy.

Tian Ji’s horse racing sets good examples for other people. He is not too greedy, uses his brain, and is very original with his ideas. His good way of thinking allows him to win against others, along with his good strategies. Tian Ji shows that people should be original, not too greedy, and rational if they come across a situation similar to his. This can teach people good themes. People can follow his way of thinking, and perhaps become a better person. This way, they can also have good judgment like Tian Ji did. Tian Ji knew what his opponent was like, and others should know as well. This can help succeed when in a duel against another person. Tian Ji is a good example for people who do not have good judgment, since he can help them develop them.

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