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Critics of The Little Prince - My Favorite Character

Basic Elements 

Character: The Little Prince

Setting: The planets

Plot: He was feeling lonely, and dissatisfied by the words the rose said, so he left his planet.


The story “The Little Prince” written by Antoine de Saint Exupery, the story about a young prince who travels from planet to planet, encountering eccentric adults who teach him valuable life lessons. On Earth, he meets a stranded pilot in the Sahara Desert and shares his adventures from asteroid to asteroid, revealing insights about love, loneliness, and the human condition. The story explores themes of innocence, imagination, and the pursuit of true happiness, urging readers to cherish simplicity and view the world with a childlike wonder.

In the story the drunkard is portrayed as ridiculous because he drinks to forget his shame of drinking. He is caught in a vicious cycle where his solution to feeling ashamed—drinking more—only perpetuates his problem. This behavior highlights a tragic irony: instead of addressing the root cause of his shame, he attempts to drown it in alcohol, which only amplifies his absurdity. The drunkard's portrayal serves as a critique of escapism and superficial solutions to personal struggles, emphasizing the importance of facing problems directly rather than attempting to evade them through self-destructive behavior.

The drunkard's philosophy in “The Little Prince” underscores the folly of seeking solace in alcohol to escape shame and insecurity. His actions reveal a belief in avoiding discomfort through temporary distractions, rather than addressing underlying issues. This approach highlights a lack of self-awareness and an inability to confront personal challenges directly. Ultimately, the drunkard's philosophy teaches us about the emptiness of escapism and the necessity of confronting difficulties head-on to achieve genuine growth and understanding in life.

The drunkard in “The Little Prince” serves as a cautionary figure, advising against using alcohol or other forms of escapism to cope with shame or difficulties. His character demonstrates the pitfalls of avoiding problems rather than confronting them directly. By portraying the consequences of his actions—endless drinking without resolution—the story warns against the dangers of seeking temporary relief from emotional or existential challenges. Instead, it encourages facing hardships courageously and seeking genuine solutions rather than temporary escapes.

The Little Prince" follows a young prince who travels from planet to planet, learning life lessons from eccentric adults. On Earth, he befriends a stranded pilot and shares his adventures, revealing insights about love and human nature. The story explores themes of innocence, imagination, and the search for meaning, encouraging readers to view the world with a childlike wonder and to cherish genuine connections over materialistic pursuits.

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