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Critics of The Hundred Dresses - How to Handle Bully?

This story talks about a girl named Wanda who always wore the same faded blue dress everyday. And soon, girls were teasing her, especially one girl in particular named Peggy who asked Wanda almost everyday, how many dresses she got. But Maddie, Peggy’s friend, did not approve of this act, but she was also afraid of telling Peggy, and becoming a new target for her teasing. But Wanda eventually moved away and Maddie and Peggy didn’t have the chance to tell Wanda, they were sorry, luckily, they had the way of sending her a letter. Soon, their class received a letter from Wanda. Maddie and Peggy were shocked when they learned that Wanda had forgiven them. Even though what happened to Wanda in the story might not happen in real life, but bullying is a common problem, we will discuss bullying in the following paragraphs.

Bullying is when people make others miserable. There are many types of bullying. The first is taking things from others and breaking it or hiding it, so that the owner of the object will feel sad. The second is to physically harm that person, sometimes bullying others can get serious, the victims might get a little bruised, or might be greatly damaged. The third was isolating others, for example, a student might tell another student not to talk with or make friends with a new student or a student with a funny name, etc. This kind of bullying can make the person who is being picked on feel lonely and desperate for friends. The fourth is mocking other people, the reason for laughing can be because of strange clothing, funny names, inappropriate behavior, or being poor. The last is language abuse, a bully might say cruel things to the victim. Even though it wasn’t physical bruising, it could hurt very much. So, these are examples of bullying.

Now that we know about the types of bullying, the next question is whether to fight back against a bully. Of course we need to fight back, or they will make us suffer. The first step to do that is to stay calm and not alert the bully that you don’t like them doing this, or they will make you more unhappy. The next thing to do is to stop them before they harm you too much. If you can’t stop them, gather more people to oppose them. Finally, tell them that their actions are wrong and advise them to never bully others again. If they don’t listen to you, then find someone with more authority over them, like the bully’s parents, and tell them to try to convince the bully to change his or her actions. So, this is the way to defend ourselves against bullies.

We have talked about how to deal with people who are bullying us, and now we will discuss how to help other victims of bullies. The first step is to stop the bully and what they are doing. The second step varies on what the bully has done to the person. If that person’s things got hidden or broken, then find it or buy a replica to replace it. If they got physically harmed, then help them bandage the cuts or wounds or do other things to help that person recover. If the person is isolated, just make friends with them and they will feel happy. If they get laughed at, tell the bully to stop mocking them. If the bully said bad things to them, comfort them and say nice things to that person. So this is the way to help others if they get bullied.

This story talks about a girl named Wanda who gets teased because she always wears a faded blue dress every day, her strange name, and her untrue statement that she had a hundred dresses at home. Soon, she moves away, but she also forgives the bullies. In conclusion, bullying is common in the world, there are many types: robbing, physical hurting, isolating, language abuse, and mocking. In order to defend ourselves against bullies, we need to stop them and tell them they are wrong. When we see others being bullied, we must take action, we stop the bully, then help the victim.

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