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Critics of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry - Whose Lives Matter?

The novel of  Roll of thunder, Hear My Cry is written by Mildred D. Taylor is illustrated by Jerry Pinkney and talks about a nine years old little girl named Cassie Logan who lived with her three brothers, Stacey , Christopher-John, and Little Man. Unlike most black families during this time of life, the Logan family owns lands because before them a white man sold the area because of tax issues. But during that time, there was lots of racism to the blacks. Like in school, a girl named Lillian who was white often humiliated Cassie and so in revenge Cassie forced Lillian to apologize or else she would tell everyone her darkest secrets. But then later one, Cassie's mother was fired for catching a student cheating in class.T.J. ends his friendship with Stacey and befriends Lillian Jean’s two older brothers, R.W. and Melvin Simms. The Simms boys convince T.J. to help them burgle a store. In the process, Jim Lee Barnett, the store owner, is killed by the Simms boys, who set T.J. up to take the blame. At the end, T.J. got killed sadly.

Some people might wonder about whose lives matter, well to be honest every life matters because every human has the same body just different colors and just because of someone’s color you shouldn’t treat them badly. Also scientifically humans all have the same body parts so there is no reason to say that blacks or yellows are different. Even though racism is still happening, every life will always matter because no matter how it is, it is still a life and deserves to live just as happily as everyone else.

Every human should be able to get the same amount of chance on everything because every human value the same amount and it would also be unfair for one race to get more opportunity than another race because each human being deserves to have the same amount of chance as others. The reason is because not long ago black people didn't get the same good quality things as white people. For example white people were alway in priority no matter what. That was very unfair and as you all can see everyone deserves to have the same amount of chance.

Every type of human being should have the same amount of everything because every life matters. For instance black  people didn’t get to go to the same school as white people did. Not only that but it was always whites who got everything first in every way possible.  Like for example white people got to sit in front but black people got the seats in the back and were never able to refuse a white if they wanted to switch seats with the black. That is why every human should get the same amount of everything.

The novel of  Roll of thunder, Hear My Cry is written by Mildred D. Taylor is illustrated by Jerry Pinkney and talks about a nine years old little girl named Cassie Logan who lived with her three brothers, Stacey , Christopher-John, and Little Man. During that time in history there was lots of racism and Cassie and her family had a tough journey facing many problems.Some people might wonder about whose lives matter, well to be honest every life matters because every human has the same body just different colors and just because of someone’s color you shouldn’t treat them badly.Every human should be able to get the same amount of chance on everything because every human value the same amount.Every type of human being should have the same amount of everything because every life matters. 

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