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Critics of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry - Whose Lives Matter?

Thunder, Hear My Cry. Cassie and Little Man are two of the most important characters, and in this chapter we see their proud spirit. It is clear that the Logan parents have raised their children to have self-respect, regardless of their race. Cassie and her brothers are helping the family pick cotton on the farm when she spots Papa returning home unexpectedly. On Saturday morning, about a week after the white men drove to the Logans' home, Cassie churned butter. Uncle Hammer asks Cassie about her first trip to Strawberry, but Big Ma tries to interrupt and keep Cassie from telling him about the incident with the Simms. Cassie forges on, however, and tells Uncle Hammer about Mr. Barnett and then the incident with Lillian Jean. African-American farmers living in Mississippi in the 1930s. The Logans successfully battle racism to keep their land and stay together as a family. When the story opens, nine-year-old Cassie Logan is walking to the first day of school. Whose Lives Matter?

The color of the skin wasn't the problem of being unfair. A lot of people have been against it just because of the color of their skin. In the world where one thinks their lives was Matter, when you asked a person who was white whose Lives Matter he would say white lives matter. But that was wrong, everyone’s life matters. Everyone has the same life. Don't be against others just because of their skin color. The skin color wasn’t the problem of any of the people. The problem was how you look at the people who have different skin. If you look at them as normal then they were normal. The way you see people is bad if you look at them as their skin. Not because of their skin you thought they were bad. 

In the old time of the US there was a lot of unfairness towards black skin people. Some toilets were white people's some toilets were black people. The brand of the toilets is written white people and colored people. And some of the places there were no toilets for the people who were black skinned. The water for the people also was different for the white and black. The white people could use the water that was good. But the black people could only drink the water that is written by colored people. There was a lot of unfairness towards the people that weren't white. Everyone was the same. There was no difference. 

Now the US is better than the old time. There were no differences between the place or the thing that was public. But there were still some issues. If you were not black and you were driving too fast you would be stopped by the police. If you were black people and you were driving normally the police would stop you, just because you are black. So until now there were still racist people in the world. We shouldn’t be racist. There were no high or low, everyone everything was the same. 

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a coming-of-age novel told from the perspective of 9-year-old Cassie Logan and deals with the racial and economic hardships that the Logan family and their Black community face. Not because of their skin you thought they were bad. Everyone was the same. There was no difference. There were no high or low, everyone everything was the same. 

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