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Critics of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry - Whose Lives Matter?

The story roar of Thunder Hear My Cry talks about Cassie’s family. She has three brothers, Stacey, and Christopher-John, a little man. Her family is black but different from other blacks at that time, they have their own land. But, in the story, there is still something that is not fair to black people. For example, the book that black children’s get is first given to the whites, when they are finished with it, it is given to the black. Once Cassie’s mother found that Stacey's friend T.J was cheating in the class. So, Stacey stopped being friends with T.J. Now, I have a question, whose lives matter? 


We should know that all lives matter, lives should be treated respectfully. All lives are the same. Everyone have their own right. Everyone have the right to choose. We need to know that everyone’s life should be controlled by themselves. No by other people. It is not fair if people’s life is controlled by other people. When unfairness of racism happens, it means that people’s choice and rights are not respected by others. Why should they be yelled by other people. Why should they listen to other people? People should stand up for their own right. We have no reason to be bullied by other people just because we are different. Skin color doesn’t matter, disabilities don’t matter, even diseases don’t matter. Everyone is the same.


Skin color shouldn’t be the way to judge a person. Everybody is a life. We can’t say a person is good or bad or if he should be respected or not. Every person should be respected. This has no connection to skin color. Racism is a thing that we always want to disagree with. Racism is an disrespectful way to treat others. We believe that every live matters. Everyone is important. People have no rights to disrespect other lives. If they are humans, they have their own right.  Unfortunately, Racism still happens a lot. People are saying bad things to others just because they have the different skin color. This also shows that a lot of people are selfish. They can’t allow other people that have different skin color then them. They could only tolerate themselves. They can’t tolerate people that have a different skin color than them. In a low of places, it is illegal to do things like racism. Or bullying others because of skin color or disabilities. 


We have a lot of ways to deal with disrespects, racism, and unfairness. First, if we see these kinds of things. The first thing we do is go up and give a lesson to the people that are doing racism. We first try to talk with him about how every life is valuable and every life matters. Also, we could tell him what he will feel if he is being the person that is not getting the respect that they should get. If we want to stop racism more, we need to tell more people and make them spread this kind of thinking. If we are bullied because of skin color or racism happens to us, we should stand up. We should stand up for our own rights. We have no reason to be yelled at by others. We should be the people that control our life. It shouldn’t be any other people. 


In conclusion, Racism is a very serious problem. It may harm a lot of people. We need to know that no matter where a person is born or which skin color he is. We should respect them. Every piece of life is valuable. If they are humans, we should respect them. We should never do racism. Everyone have their own rights, but we have no right to judge others. And, if we want to spread the positive thinking of racism, we need to tell other people around others and tell them to spread this kind of thinking out\



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