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Critical Review The Dead

THE DEAD introduces old Julia Morkan, Kate Morkan, and Mary Jane Morkan preparing for the big Christmas party they host yearly. Gabriel Conroy, the main speaker, and his wife Gretta arrive late. Gabriel asks Lily, the caretaker's daughter, whether she is to marry a young man. Then, he went to take care of matters with Freddy Malins and Mr Browne, the two alcoholics. But Lily replies that men are "all palaver" these days. During the dance, Miss Ivors blames Gabriel for not loving his own nation. Gabriel cries out that he is sick of Ireland, offending Miss Ivors. After the party, at the hotel with Gretta, Gabriel is even more surprised when Gretta brings up her childhood lover. Michael Furey had a great relationship with her and was in the gasworks. He was sick but still came to pick up Gretta in the nasty rain. He died one week later. Gabriel looked at the window as generous tears filled his eyes.

Surprises and shocks one gets in one’s life carve out one’slife structure, therefore impacting one’s future. Everyone is surprised throughout their lifetime, which can greatly impact one’s future and opinions. In the novel, Gabriel receives many shocks that night at the Morkan’s big yearly Christmas party. For one, as he entered the house, he was shocked by Lily, the caretaker’s daughter. As women were done with school, they ought to marry a fine man; but when Gabriel stated that he was excited about Lily’s soon marriage, Lily said men were “only all palaver and what they can get out of you”, therefore blaming Gabriel for being a man. Then, when Gabriel met Miss Ivors, the colleague, he was blamed by her for not loving his own nation (Ireland) writing for the Daily Express, and not spending holiday time in his own country. He then admitted he was sick of Ireland, offending Miss Ivors. Finally, after the party, he found out Gretta, his wife, was thinking of another man, Michael Furey, her childhood lover. He was angry but felt guilty and humiliated when he found out that Michael was dead at the age of 17, was in the gasworks, and probably died for Gretta, which Gabriel himself would never do. Those three shocks, though small, majorly impacted Gabriel’s life and his opinions. Even the very smallest shock in one’s gigantic life can impact one’s future and opinions greatly.

The dead, the walking dead, and the dying all have impacts and change the lives of living ones. Throughout the novel, the author highlights these three types of death shown upon many members related to the family. In the story, there are many people either already dead, part of the walking dead, and are going to be dead. Among the deceased are Patrick Morkan, Gabriel’s mother, Grandpa Patrick and his horse, and Michael Furey. Because of Morkan’s death, Mary Jane left the old house and moved to the new one. Because of Gabriel’s mother, her two sons were now successful gentlemen, though she also disapproved of Gretta. Grandpa Patrick and his horse’s tales were famous among the family, while Michael Furey died for Gretta. A dead person’s life changes and greatly impact the lives of living ones, especially ones related to the deceased person. The thinking of his mother’s attitude to his wife also makes Gabriel uncomfortable. The walking dead consists of Freddy Malins and Mr. Browne. They both are alcoholics, always sleepy and might end up screwed. Among the dying is just Aunt Julia. She is too old, cannot hear well, walks slowly, and doesn’t have any spirit that even Gabriel foresees her death. Among the many forms related to death, the dead always change the lives of the living.

Escaping from one’s own nation and settling in other countries can change one’s future opportunities and one’s opinions. Sometimes, people do that because other countries provide better opportunities or to settle with family members and friends; however, most people, like Gabriel, escape to a faraway country because they are sick of their own nation. In the novel, it is shown especially in the conversation with Miss Ivors that Gabriel is tired of Ireland and starts getting his mind into other countries’ related subjects. When talking with Miss Ivors, it is revealed that Gabriel writes for the Daily Express. The Daily Express of Dublin is considered a unionist newspaper, meaning it is loyal to Great Britain, though Britain betrayed Ireland. Gabriel also wants to visit other countries instead of other parts of Ireland. When Gabriel enters the party house, it is shown on his dress-wear that he pursues fashions from other countries. He speaks other languages, uses poems written by English poets, and considers Shakespeare. He even admits at the near end of his conversation with Miss Ivors that he is “sick of his nation”. Throughout the novel, it is also shown that some of the best singers of Ireland have also traveled and settled in other countries. There are many possibilities for concluding the reason one would escape from their home country and settle in another.

THE DEAD introduces a yearly Christmas party being hosted once again, with Gabriel Conroy as the main speaker. After the tiring party, he found out that his wife, Gretta had a childhood lover, Michael Furey, but he died for her, which Gabriel might never do. Throughout the novel, Gabriel receives three shocks and surprises. Just like Gabriel, even the smallest shocks can impact one’s future and opinion. Throughout the story, the author highlights many deaths, or types of death: the real dead, the walking dead, and the dying. Some people escape from their own country for bigger opportunities; but most, like Gabriel, do so because they are sick of their own nation.

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