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Critical Review on of Island of the Blue Dolphins (ch15)

The book “Island of the Blue Dolphins” written by Scott O’dell talks about a Native American girl Karana left on the island of San Nicholas. SHe was abandoned with her brother on the island, but a pack of wild dogs killed Ramo. One day, Karana decided it was time to kill the wild dogs that killed her brother. She killed most of the pack, plus shooting an arrow into the leader’s chest. Karana wanted to make sure she killed the dog, so she wanted to throw a spear at it. Then the dog raised his head and let it drop. She then somehow couldn’t throw the spear. She also decided that she was better at using bows and arrows. She went to the rocks and prepared to shoot him. But somewhere in her heart just didn’t want the dog to die. At last she decided that she will take the dog back to her shelter and heal its wound that she had made. At first she was afraid of the dog, after a few days of being together they began to live together.

Forgiveness is shown when people override their anger, hatred, or revenge toward others who have harmed you, no matter if they actually deserve your forgiveness. True forgiveness is not just saying “I forgive you”. True forgiveness means that the victim is doing something positive and begins to develop understanding and compassion for the attacker who has done harm to him. The dog killed Karana’s brother, and she wanted revenge for the dog. Eventually, she shot at the dog and struck an arrow on his chest. When she walks close to kill the dog, she hesitates and has mixed feelings. Then she decided to carry the dog back home, clean its wound, and provide water, food, and a place to stay. Karana, for sure, was very angry at the dog for killing her brother and wanted to kill him as revenge. But she had mixed feelings that she couldn’t even explain. Karana says that “Why I did not send the arrow I cannot say. I stood on the rock with the bow pulled back and my hand would not let it go.” This means that even though Karana was very angry at the dog, some part of her just didn’t want him to die. Eventually she carried him back to her home. Karana forgives the dog for killing her brother. Even though losing her brother was very sad, she still saved the dog. Karana showed true forgiveness toward Rontu by doing something good. When true forgiveness takes place, the victim does something positive toward the attackers, which may lead the attackers to think about finding his own redemption.

Redemption appears when people take actions of wanting to save or being saved from their sins, evils, or previously mistakes. When one has done some terrible things previously, he begins to realize his mistakes and wants to change, hoping to earn forgiveness from people whom they have harmed. This is called redemption. Karana was very sad and angry that Rontu killed Karana’s brother. Even though Karana might not hate the dog, it is for sure that Karana wanted to kill the dog for revenge. She shoots an arrow into Rontu’s chest. But when Karana saw the dog wounded, she actually ended up healing the dog by cleaning its wound with a coral stick, even though she said she didn’t care until the fourth day. Karana even prepared water and caught fishes for Rontu, making Rontu feel more at ease. At first, Rontu regarded Karana as an enemy, and his actions and attitudes were unfriendly. “ His yellow eyes followed me wherever I moved….watching me with his yellow eyes that were very narrow and slanted up at the corners.” After receiving care from Karana, Rontu changed, “He looked first at the fish I carried and then at me and moved his tail.Rontu’s attitude changes from being suspicious and hostile toward Karana to totally relying on Karana and appreciating what she has done for him. Karana could have killed him, but she did not. Instead, she cleaned Rontu’s wounds and provided care for him, which touched Rontu’s heart and changed his attitudes toward Karana. The changes of Rontu’s attitudes toward Karana shows that he feels sorry for his harm on Karana’s brother. Therefore, Rontu wanted to make amends for his previous mistakes. The dog shows redemption by not killing Karana and regarding her as his master with respect and appreciation. Redemption is a way to say sorry for the harm that people have brought. Redemption should be done sincerely from the bottom of the heart in order to win forgiveness from the victims.

Trust presents when people believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone and show their appreciation toward them. Trust is defined as one who believes that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable. When Karana gives Rontu food the first time, she always has to throw it on the ground, as he would not take it from her hand. But on the fourth day, he looked at the food and at Karana, and finally took food from her. Later, when Karana brought fish home, Rontu looked at her and moved his tails, Rontu welcoming Karana home, as if he was waiting for a family member home. The dog showed trust to Karana by wagging his tail, “ He looked first at the fish I carried and then at me and moved his tail.” which meant that he was happy for Karana bringing food. He first looked at the food she brought, which was fish, and then looked at Karana. He wagged his tail, showing appreciation. In the previous days, he was very suspicious about what Karana was doing, and he watched Karana wherever Karana went, as if Karnan might do something bad to him. But at the end, he finally showed trust by eating Karana’s food without hastiness. The relationship between Karana and the dog changes by the dog regarding that Karana is her master. Trust is present when a person relies on another and is sure that the other person will not harm him and be able to do whatever he promises.

The story, Island of the Blue Dolphins, is an adventurous book. From reading this book, I have learned some valuable and meaningful lessons about life: redemption, forgiveness, and trust. It is natural for people to make mistakes throughout their lives. Even if people make mistakes and do bad things, it is not too late to make a change. Redemption appears when people want to make the change, hoping to earn forgiveness from the people whom they have harmed. True forgiveness displays when victims help the attackers, put themselves into the attacker’s shoes, and show their understanding and compassion for attackers, rather than just saying “You are forgiven”. Such forgiveness would have the attackers rethink their actions, which in turn, lead them to want to earn their own redemption. Trust makes people feel safe even though they may be vulnerable. When one has trust for another, it relies on him, and relationships can get close together. If the trust ceased to exist, then the relationship would fall apart, as no one trusts another. Trust also makes people eager to participate or take action in activities hosted by the people they trust, while on the other hand they will think that “this is what you deserve” and not really do anything.

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