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Critical Review on of Island of the Blue Dolphins (ch15)

The Island of Blue Dolphins (Excerpt from chapter 15), written by Scott O’ Dell talks about a girl named Katrana and her bonding friendship with a dog named Rontu. Rontu is a wild dog that once killed her brother Ramo, which made her angry that she wanted to kill all of them. But when she encounters an injured wild dog, she ponders on the decision to save him or kill him for revenge. The choice she made is to save the wild dog, and heal his injuries. She wonders if it is the right thing to do to a enemy that murdered her own brother, but she still ehals all his injuries and takes care of him until he is well. She named him Rontu, and he was hostile and unsure about her for a couple of weeks. When Katrana goes out to hunt, she comes back to her cave and was half expecting to see Rontu waiting outside the fence. Surprisingly, she was surprised and worried when he wasn’t. She found him in the cave, and fed him some food. This growing and changing friendship shows the importance of helping people, and also the change of feelings and attitude between Katrana and Rontu. In the bond of friendship, we can learn many values of kindness and also forgiveness.

In the excerpt, we can learn that having mercy is a good way to show your caring attitude to something. Mercy shows your relationship and also the meaning of caring to the person you are being kind to, and it can benefit both you and them. This is shown when Karana helps Rontu when she knew that he was an enemy to her. She had made a decision to help him and let him run away when he was healed. But little did she know, Rontu had become admitted to her a few days after his recovery. Karana learnt from this that mercy can change even the most fierce rivals you have. Rontu learnt to help Katrana with hunting and also finding supplies. Karana soon did not want Rontu to leave or run away, and kept him safe and well-feed. She did not think that a wild dog that killed her brother once would become her faithful and loyal companion. Kindness can help you and other people in hard times and in times when it is difficult to make a decision in killing an injured enemy or saving it. From the dog’s behaviour, we can observe that it is not that keen to be close to Karana, and also note that it is open towards her. Karana stays vigilant too, just in case the dog turns back on her and attacks. But due to mercy, they understanded that none of them wanted to kill each other. Mercy can change enemies, so we must learn to be kind and give them a chance.

After someone has done something almost unforgivable, forgiveness might give them a chance to change. Changing is known to be caused when someone forgives them for a very unforgivable situation. The cause of this will learn the fact that the person is trying to forgive them, and will change throughout the process of forgiveness. Karana forgives the dog after it killed her brother, and saved him for death. The dog owed her, and he knew it. But he stayed cautious at Karana when he was healed. Because of forgiveness, Rontu was able to live and Karana was able to have a new loyal companion that had changed over time. Karana and Rontu made a really good team that helped with all their problems, especially Karana’s problem of finding supplies to live and survive alone on the island. When Karana repaired Rontu’s wounds, he was grateful but not that eager to thank her. Karana forgave him for it, and soon he changed and became a great dog and also companion to his master Karana. Due to forgiveness from each other, Karana and Rontu relationship grew near and became great friends. Forgiveness can give the most horrid people or things a chance to change.

Having trust in people can act in ways that help people understand who they are and what they could change in order to be themselves. Trusting one another can change the looks of eachother and also the attitude and behaviour taht go with it. Karana and Rontu started to trust eachother throughot the time and became more open to eachtoher. Karana helped Rontu with his wounds and Rontu gave her a trusty companion in return. Karana’s attitude began to change due to trust, at first she wanted Rontu to go away and elave her home after she had healed him, but when she came back she felt regretful and desperate to find him again. Rontu was first looking Karana with anger, vigilance and cautious in his eyes, but soon when Karana treated him well and kept him well fed and happy, he understanded that Karana was not trying to harm him and became more confident to her. Rontu and Karan realised that they should trust echother, and became much better relationship as friends. Rontu and Karana are perfect examples of friends that change over time and becomes a good team because of trust in one another. Trusting eachtoher is learning to be yourself and also trusting the right people.

Karana and Rontu used mercy to forgive eachother and trust them. Trustinng people and using mercy to do so is the best way to improve friendship. When Karana and Rontu first met, Rontu was injured and wounded and Karana was looking for revenge to kill a wild dog that did so to her brother. Rontu was a wild dog, but he was wounded. Karana chose not to kill him and healed him instead. This is an act of forgiveness and mercy, when Karana realised that she would forgive him for what he did to her brother for now and be kind to heal him. This si very heartwarming as she loved her brother until he passed away caused by Rontu. She was wondering if she will take revenge now, because she never thought she would be taking care of a enemy. When she went out to hunt she was half-expecting the wild dog to still be there at teh fence. She had expected him to run away now that he is healed and free. But Rontu showed trust, Karana had fed and recovered him until now, and he decided that he would trust her and become her companion. Karana named Rontu after ‘Fox Eyes’ in her language. This is because before Rontu was healed, she saw his vigilant eyes following her wherever she went. Trusting people is important, and so is mercy that leads to forgiving your true enemies and changing them into becoming your true friends.

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