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Critical Review on of Island of the Blue Dolphins (ch15)

This article, from the island of the blue dolphins, is written by Scott. In this part of the story, it talks about how Karina finds the dogs hurting her brother and she tries to kill them, but finally she stops. She brings the dog to her cave and uses her herbs to cure the dog. She thinks about why she saves the dog but finally she becomes friends with the dog. In the end of this part, when she is afraid about losing the dog, she is anxious about that. When she finally finds the dog again, they rely on each other. And the dog regards her as apologizing for killing her. At the beginning, they’re enemies. Her brother is the only companion on. This island after all of her parents and friends went to the new place and left them on the island. But at last, they are friends, they rely on each other.

Forgiveness can easily happen between people in same condition. They are all on an island with no other people, they are both lonely. She maybe wants to kill the dog at first, she uses a bow to shoot it and the arrow also shoots on the dog’s chest, it makes the dog bleed a lot, but soon after she gets the arrow out of the dog. They are actually the same, they’ve all been abandoned by others. They are all lonely. Each other can be the compainior of the other one. Because they have the same surrounding, she thinks about herself and forgives the dog. The forgiveness will easily happen when each other thinks about itself, that’s why she didn’t kill the dog to avenge the dog for his brother.

Redemption can maybe stop the guilt of itself. Redemption is a way to get out of the pain and show that you have changed. The dog and she are enemies at first because the dog kills her brother. But the dog regards her after she saves the dog. It is based on the forgiveness Karana has, but it also has part of the guilt for the dog for the death of her brother. So the dog regards her when she meets dogs. It wants to make redemption so it also makes them become friends never separated. When she can’t find the dog, she’s sad. Forgiveness makes the connection between them change a lot. The dog wants to make redemption of itself, it is why she and the dog can help each other when they’re searching. This redemption is special, but it makes the dog feel better.

Redemption Can make the relationship go from bad to good, then trust can make the relationship get closer. Good relationship only means that it isn’t a bad relationship, but trust can improve the relationship. The relationship between her and the dog changes, some of this is because the feeling between them changes for the better, but the most important one is that they trust each other. She brings the dog home, but the dog may hurt her on the way home. But she doesn’t think about it or she thinks about it but she believes the dog won’t hurt her. This is the trust of the dog. When she stills hates the dog, when she gets close to the dog, the dog doesn’t run, maybe because it’s unable to escape because of its injury. But mostly it is trust. Because of the trust, they get the chance to be friends. Trust can improve relationships.

During this part of the story, she got the dog and pet it successfully, but how can it be so successfully? Karana wants to kill this dog since the dog kills her brother, but her mind doesn’t allow her to do that even if there's a big chance. The dog thinks that itself is guilty, so it’s always searching for redemption to put it out of quilt. They trust each other very much so they can become good friends. Karana forgives the dog so the dog can keep alive even if it’s endangered. They are nice with each other through the story so they can get by the lonely days on the island. They help each other with everything, and finally they become friends and rely on each other for survival.

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