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Critical Review of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a story about the strange appearance of Mr. Hyde who seems to cause trouble to everyone. Mr. Hyde is a bad man and the police and everyone is trying to catch him. However, it seems as if Mr. Hyde can appear and reappear quite easily and quickly. Throughout the story, Utterson, a lawyer and his friend Eifield, try to catch Mr. Hyde. After many attempts, and the death of Dr. Lanyon, the truth reveals itself. Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll aren't two different people, ---- they’re one person who can change into the other. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a gothic literature book that talks about the story of two men, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

The divided self is when one person is divided into two different people or more. This means that someone is like one person in one scenario and another in another scenario. When somebody is like this, they don’t really have a “true self.” Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll are actually one person. However, Dr. Jekyll’s real identity is divided. When he is Dr. Jekyll, he is good, rich, kind, and polite. But when he is Mr. Hyde, he is mean, nasty, and kills people. In order to perform this task, Dr. Jekyll needs to produce a potion that turns him into two people. However, during this process, Dr. Jekyll realizes that he has gone too far and can’t change back. When this happens, the potion loses control. The divided self took away Dr. Jekyll’s real self. He can no longer go back to who he was. The divided self can take over someone’s true identity and should be avoided as much as possible.

Self-control is the act of controlling one’s feelings and actions despite the fact that one wants to keep going/doing it. Self control is important in many situations and can help prevent one from making the wrong choice/action. Self control can be applied in practically any situation at any time. When making the self changing potion, Dr. Jekyll loses self control. At first, the potion worked just fine. However, later on in the story, Dr. Jekyll realizes that he loses control of himself and can’t turn back into a good person. With self control, Dr. Jekyll can prevent this from happening. However, when he loses control, he doesn’t know how to go back and is “damaged.” Another example would be screen time. If one looks at a screen too long without self control, their eyesight could get damaged. Self control is an important aspect in life and should be mastered skillfully.

Names have meanings behind them and sometimes they contribute to a situation or thing. In other words, names of people, places, and things can have a symbolic meaning behind it. Most of this occurs in stories whereas the names have hidden meanings that the author conveys. In the story, Hyde sounds like “hide”. Dr. Jekyll is pronounced as “geek - kill” and Utterson has “utter” in it. Dr. Hastie Lanyon has “haste” in his name and all these names have meanings in them that contribute to the overall story. In stories, names of people or the title of stories have a symbolic meaning behind it. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the main character's name, contributes to the overall plot. Names, and titles have meanings behind it and it sometimes contributes to a story's plot.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a gothic - like story about two men, a lawyer, and a scientist. Weird things happen around town and lawyer Utterson tries to figure out what’s going on. Hastie Lanyon dies and leaves Utterson his will. However, as the story goes on the truth unveils itself. Turns out, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are one person. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a mysterious story about the case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

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