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Critical Review of The Story of My Life

The Story of My Life is a biography written by Helen Keller. It is about a girl with the disabilities of sight and hearing, and how she managed to survive in the world of darkness. Helen was just a child, but she lost her two main senses. This troubled her as she couldn’t read or write, and put her parents in despair. She was in a royal family, so they column’t send her off. But she was taught reading and writing by an excellent teacher named Miss Sullivian. She had an extraordinary way of teaching: pressing and getting Helen to feel the object, then teaching her braille to explain what it is and what it is related to. For example, water and a mug, Miss Sullivan taught Helen how water is in the mug and you drink the water. She placed water on her hands to let her understand the feeling and flow odf it, and did the same to many objects. Before she met Miss Sullivan, Helen was very much troubled by darkness, groping towards her and keeping her way from the light. Due to this, she never got to see light or hear the voices of her parents and others. She could only hold, hold them tight and feel their hugs, saying it would be alright. Helen never knew what rouble she was causing or what she was being told to do, and it made her extremely afraid of the world, always thinking she might do something wrong the very next second. Having great encouragement and someone by your side can strongly heal the feelings of someone that can only see darkness, and never light.

Having someone by our side and supporting us during the darkness can show us to the light, no one should give up on someone because they are disabled. Walking with a friend in the light is better than walking alone in the darkness. You have someone to fall back on and count on during trouble. This shows Helen and Miss Sullivan, how they supported each other and made up during a horrible argument. Miss Sullivan does not approve of Helen’s family, and Helen constantly starts to throw tantrums while Miss Sullivan tries to keep teaching her and making her behave. Soon after this difficulty, they understand each other and grew a wonderful relationship between them. Helen likes to learn with Miss Sullivan and she constantly becomes a great student to Miss Sullivan. Miss Sullivan, in return, supported Helen in the darkness and tried to lead her to the light she never saw. She was determined to help Helen throughout her journey toward the light which she desired the most. Helen had a friend that didn’t mind her disables and helped her throughout difficulties, and Miss Sullivan had a hard-working student whom she admired. Supporting the people who need it can bring us a way out of the darkness.

There may be many conflicts throughout our lives that we must learn to fix and step out of. Conflicts may occur in any time, and any situation of our lives and we must learn how to break the ice and find a solution that fits for everyone. Solutions are not easy to come up with nor to actually do it, so we must learn the skill, like Helen and Miss Sullivan did. During their argument, it was getting colder in each word they said. Solutions seemed like a outside ; something hidden. No one wanted to apologise, no one did. That is, until, Helen broke the ice by talking to Miss Sullivan with the words she learnt in her journey with words and senses. Her teacher soon became fascinated at how fast she can learn, and decided to teach her much more facts. Helen went to ‘The Cambridge School for Young Ladies’ and blended in very well. The lessons, however, was challenging and intense. The teachers understand Helen’s condition and were nicer and more patient towards her. Helen had a great time there, though she missed Miss Sullivan with her whole heart. She made many mistakes in school, but was determined to fix them and make the teachers proud of what she could do as a blind and deaf kid. And so, her desire came true. We can learn from our mistakes, but we must learn to solve them before.

The past may affect our learning, but having, and feeling positive in the future can ease things a lot. Happy memories are powerful things, but no many people have the experience. Helen was born blind and deaf, and it was almost impossible for her to have anything bright in a world of infinite darkness she cannot step out of. Her memories were ntohign but darkness, darkness, and more darkness. Without any experience of happiness or light, Helen had no happy memories of her past life. When Miss Sullivan came to her and taught her all the basics of the world, Helen thought this was the most important event of her life because it was the closest chance Helen would step out of the darkness and have the light she never discovered surround her. Surrounding her with happy memories and positive thoughts of her past. Helen and Miss Sullivan had an extremely close relationship, far more than just teacher and student. They were friends, partners to take each other to the world of light. After years of teaching, Helen finally experienced the warmth and happiness of light. This was ironic, as she could not see, but it means she has been taught by someone who cares and loves her and she soaked up all the warmth that made her feel like she could finally step out of misery and longing for the light, and actually reach for it in a different way. Her past was all about darkness, how it must endure her and hold her back dorm the rest of the world to discover. Helen was a helpless child with the worst disabilities someone could have, and memories she never thought she would have thought about, saved her. The past can start you thinking about all the possibilities in the future, which could be good or bad.

The story of my life is a tale of darkness and the saviour of light from someone else who creates the light, and someone who experiences darkness.Darkness is a horrible and depressing thing, and many people such as Helen suffer from it. But light is a whole different story, it is warm and makes us cheer up during hard times. Nobody has a perfect life, some may be far from it some may be close. It may be difficult during our life, and it may feel like we are in darkness. Darkness is full of misery and sadness, groping and keeping us away from the light that is truly wonderful to have in your life. Having someone near you and encouraging us during the time in darkness can help your emotions and attitude towards things a lot, because we trust them and understand that they care for us. This is a strong emotion because we understand their feelings, and might even be able to help them a lot while curing our own darkness. To step into the light, we must find someone we trust and think positive. We should also recall happy memories, even if there is none. Darkness swallows up all the light in us, but even if doesn’t seem like, we all have light in us. We can only free ourselves fromt he darkness’s grasp by finding our true selves and finding someone that cares for us. With these combinations, light will come to us. Finding light in our life of darkness is not that easy, but once we trust, and get trusted, anything is possible.

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