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Critical Review of The Elephant Man

"The Elephant Man" by Bernard Pomerance is a captivating biography about a remarkable individual named John Merrick. Merrick lived in London during the latter half of the 19th century, and he was unlike anyone else. He had a severe physical deformity that made him stand out, and he had been exhibited as a curiosity in traveling shows. But when he was discovered abandoned and helpless, he was taken to the renowned Whitechapel Hospital in London for observation. At the hospital, Merrick met a brilliant young doctor who saw beyond his appearance and treated him with kindness and compassion. This doctor educated Merrick and introduced him to the aristocratic and literary circles of London society. Gradually, Merrick transformed from a pitied freak show attraction into a respected and beloved figure. His wit and urbane manner made him a favorite among the aristocracy and literati.

Human nature is kind of a puzzle, it has both selfish and kind parts, showing that we have many different sides. Sometimes, wanting to have power and control can make us forget about being kind, it shows that we can be good or bad. In the story, Ross is using the freak of Merrick and to get its benefits, which was easily understood by money. The famous writer Lu Xun said that “flowers are everyone's favorite and demons are everyone's loathsome”. Ross didn't care about Merrick's feelings or what was right or wrong. He just wanted to make money. He used Merrick's weaknesses and the audience's feelings to get money from them. This is not a good thing to do. Ross didn't have the right moral values or ethics. He should have treated Merrick with kindness and respect, not used him for his own benefit.Being able to forgive and start fresh is a sign of our good moral and ethical sense.Wanting to be happy and have a good life is a big part of our nature. It drives us to seek meaningful experiences and relationships.

Remaining silent in the face of injustice can indirectly harm those who are suffering. Not saying anything when people say mean things can make it seem like it's okay to say them. Crowds are paid to gape and yawp at this freak of nature. But, Merrick has no choice but you did. Merrick was born like this, but you have the option to change fate. The audience could choose to help Merrick to get out of the pain, suffering, and self-abasement, but they decided to make fun of him, laugh at him, and argue about him. These simple words might seem to be nothing, but it was hundreds of knives, stabbing to Merricks hearts. It is a sad reminder of how easily people can be cruel and insensitive, and how important it is for us to show compassion and empathy towards those who are different or vulnerable.Staying silent when there's violence at home can put people in danger. Staying silent when someone is treated unfairly can make the situation worse for them.

Even though the path to truth can be tough, with scientific spirit, we can bravely keep moving forward and reach new heights. Discovering truth is a great achievement for humans, and scientific spirit helps us achieve it. Dr. Frederick Treves was the doctor in the story. He was different from other people, like Ross. He didn't believe that people like Merrick were ugly. He really wanted to know the truth, not just to make money. This was real scientific spirit. It wasn't just about getting what he wanted or knowing things for his own benefit. Dr. Treves's dedication to truth and his humanistic approach to medicine were truly commendable, setting him apart from those who saw Merrick only as a freak to be mocked and exploited. Searching for truth takes courage, and scientific spirit gives us that courage. Truth is often hidden behind complex things, and we need scientific spirit to find it.

In conclusion, “The Elephant Man" book shows us that people can be very different inside and outside. It tells us that even if someone looks different, they still deserve to be respected and loved. In the story, Ross only cared about money and used Merrick. Also with the audience, who remain silent in the face of injustice can indirectly harm those who are suffering. But true scientific spirit, like Dr. Treves, is about finding the truth, not just for yourself. Sometimes, people stay quiet when they see unfairness, but that only hurts the people who are suffering. So, we should be brave and speak up for what is right. Finding the truth can be hard, but if we keep going, we can reach new heights. This book helps us understand the world and people better, and it reminds us to be kind and just.

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