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Critical Review of The Door In The Wall

In the novel "The Door In The Wall" written by Marguerite de Angeli, Robin has to leave his parents and is left with a fletcher but he doesn't help Robin in fear of the plague. Robin had weakened legs at the time. Luckily, Brother Luke saves Robin and brings him to a hospital, where his legs gradually become stronger. He learns many skills there, including wood-cutting, reading and writing. Later, he, Brother Luke and John go together and reach Lindsay castle. After some time, the castle is in danger from the Welsh. Robin wants to save the castle, but Sir Peter disagrees. However, he still goes and saves the castle, with John's help. Back at the castle, the King awards him a collar and best of all, he finally sees his parents.

There is always a method to overcome an obstacle or situation. In the title “The Door In The Wall”, there are rhetorical devices of extended metaphors. The extended metaphors express how the door in the wall and the wall symbolize the problems and solutions in life. The door (in the wall) represents the method of overcoming problems, while the wall shows the obstacle that is experienced. “If we cannot serve in one way, there is always another. If we do what we are able, a door always opens to something else.” When Robin couldn’t serve his family and king because he wasn’t a knight, he found another way by saving ther castle from the Welsh, their enemies. Robin found ways of fulfilling his education and overcoming his disability of walking by studying writing, reading and making crutches. In real life, it is always possible to find a way of fulfilling anything as long as a method is used to find and use it. The door in the wall represents the method of overcoming obstacles while the wall represents the obstacles.

Maturity represents the stage of finally being grown up and learning the qualities of the stage. Maturity means to be fully grown up and having the experience and features of doing so. Robin learns how to fulfill the qualities of being fully grown up: patience, bravery and understanding. He learned how to read and write, which was a big step to his further education. Wood-cutting and swimming helped to keep his spirits and they became his hobbies. But most of all, he learned how to be helpful in his society, and what role he takes in it. He understands how being useful doesn’t mean being a knight. Robin grows up to finally be responsible for the castle, protecting it with his abilities. Being an important person doesn’t mean having a very high role in a society, but also what skills, features and understanding are required to be useful. Maturity comes with patience, bravery, understanding, skills and knowing of what it means to be in a society.

Religious beliefs, especially with God, bring hope and faith for people. “God grant we may never be worse off than now when we take the wrong turning.” People believe that God, or other religions, can help them throughout life and bring them hope and wishes. He influences the hope of having gifts that may help them, instead of being disappointed in certain times. Because of God, people feel grateful for what they have and what God gives them as gifts. God’s willing allows people to accomplish and finish tasks that have been sent by him. God also brings faith to people to do better and to accomplish tasks. In Robin’s case, God is a being he uses to understand gratefulness and accomplish tasks. People also believe how God will grant them at bad times, and provide them gifts that they use and require. God allows people to view life in a hopeful way, even with worsened events.

The novel “The Door In The Wall” shows how there is always a method to overcome an obstacle, maturity and growing up and what God represents to people. There is always a way to overcome situations and critical problems, no matter the scenario. If we cannot accomplish a goal, there is always another way to do so. Maturity represents the stage of being fully grown up and understanding the concepts of reaching the stage. During maturity, people build skills, have features and understand their role in the society. God represents how we view hope in life, and is a being that people believe in as a religion. God helps people to have hope for gifts, and Robin learns to be grateful.

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