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Critical Review of The Bracelet

The Bracelet is a short story about how Japanese-Americans are moved to a concentration camp because of an attack that was going on. The attack was in Pearl Harbor, and it made the government order anybody from the West Coast to move because of the dangers. The girl, Ruri, her sister Keiko, Mama, and Papa were all ordered to move out of California. Ruri’s friend, whose name is Laurie Madison, gives Ruri a bracelet as a goodbye gift. Ruri promises to never take it off ever. As the Japanese Americans arrive in the concentration camp, Ruri realizes that she lost the bracelet Laurie gave her. She looks for it, but she never finds it. She still is friends with Laurie mentally, although she does not have the bracelet with her physically.

People who have a true friendship with other people would not forget that person, even when there is no physical connection. Friends don’t always have to be together, so they can be in completely different locations, and still be friends if they have a true friendship. If people have a fake friendship, they will forget their friends easily, and not care about them because they have no actual value in the other person’s heart. In the story, Laurie and Ruri have a true friendship. Ruri was in a concentration camp, while Laurie was at home. Even though Ruri lost her bracelet, she maintained her friendship with Laurie and kept it just as good as before. This can show that friends don’t always have to be together. Even through hard times, true friends should always remember each other, and still have a great bond even when they are far away. A fake friendship is shown when people don’t actually value their friends, and just have them as somebody to talk to, not to actually have a good relationship with. True friendships should last for a long time, and it should always be valued. True and fake friendships can easily be differentiated because of how they last when the friends are apart.

In America, there can be a lot of racism against certain races that come from other countries. Immigrants from other countries often are the people who are discriminated against. Based on other’s actions, people judge an unrelated person and use racism against them. Ruri’s family is asked to leave because government officials assume that they are dangerous enemies, because the Japanese troops are setting an attack on the Americans. They are loyal to the U.S, but the government does not care and sends them away. This shows that some people will just judge somebody based on another person’s actions, which is unjust because if somebody is bad, it doesn’t mean the other person is bad as well. Japanese Americans do not have anything to do with the Pearl Harbor Attack, except for the fact that the people in the troops are the same race that they are. Racism against any race because of other’s actions is unjust, especially because randomly assuming a person’s character is wrong, and also unfair for them.

The story shows a great example of how a family can help each other when they are each struggling with something difficult to deal with. A family sometimes can be taken for granted, so when they are gone, people realize the family is not appreciated enough. The family can help people during hard times. In the story, the sister Keiko and her Mama helped calm Ruri down. They also comforted her, and told her many stories to help her relax. The family helped people a lot when they needed it, but still, sometimes it still isn’t appreciated. A family can encourage people, comfort people, be of assistance to people, and also help them think and act the best way they possibly can. The family helps people a lot, although they may not always realize it, until they are gone. Most people will take it for granted. Families, although very helpful, are not appreciated, even when it has great assistance to people.

The Bracelet is about how a girl is moved to a concentration camp. It includes a lot of symbolization, which is the bracelet. It represents the physical tie between Ruri and Laurie. The story also includes how important friends and families are, and how many races are discriminated against for other’s actions. This story shows many good themes that the reader can learn from. This book is good for people who can learn about history, and develop good ideas or values at the same time.

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