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Critical Review of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The story “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” , written by Robert Louis Stevenson, talks about Dr. Jekyll, a kind nice scientist, after drinking a portion he invented, turning into his evil side Mr. Hyde and Gabriel John Utterson, a respectful lawyer, trying to solve the mysterious criminal Mr. Hyde. Lanyon’s notes revealed that Dr. Jekyll severely developed a portion allowing him to separate the good and evil aspects of his personality. Dr. Jekyll soon found himself slipping into Mr. Hyde without resources for his drug. Jekyll realized that he committed many crimes when becoming Mr. Hyde. A servant reported to the police that she saw Sir Danvers Carew was murdered by Mr. Hyde. The police contacted Utterson and Utterson toured Mr. Hyde’s apartment. They do not find Hyde but find the other half of the walking stick that Mr. Hyde used to murder Carew. Eventually, Poole, Jekyll’s butler, reported to Utterson that Dr. Jekyll has secluded himself in the laboratory for weeks, and they smash down the door of the lab. They found out that Mr. Hyde was dead and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were actually the same person. Dr. Jekyll took the last of the portion and wrote a confession before committing suicide himself because he did not want to become Mr. Hyde permanently.

Supernaturalism somewhat is the exceeding level of evilness in human nature and makes people do immoral, corrupt acts. Supernatural elements in literature are useful in developing themes that reflect the nature of humanity and used to outline and comment on conflicts and power struggles. After drinking a portion, Dr. Jekyll has the supernature to completely transform himself into Mr. Hyde, an ugly, hateful, evil, and violent murderer. With this supernatural power, Mr. Hyde had trampled a little girl and killed Sir Danvers Carew. The police proclaimed him as a murderer and he was really wanted by his pursuers. Supernatural portion makes Dr. Jekyll becomes exceedingly evil Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde is an exaggerated account of the evil in human nature that makes people evil. Mr. Hyde is the combination of hatred, murderer, evilness, violence, and ugliness. Mr. Hyde is not only ugly in his appearance but also ugly in his thoughts, unlike elephant man who only has ugly appearance but a good heart inside. This is the purpose of Mr. Hyde, representing everything is so ugly and bad, nothing good. Mr. Hyde is the “supernatural” written in this story. This ugly Mr. Hyde, a product from the science lab, is created by a generous, kind, and smart Dr. JeKyll in the ideal lab. What a conflict! Such a science product gives people a threat. Perhaps the story is warning people that human nature is sometimes evil, and people might do something bad. The unfortunate side effects and consequences of supernatural power would bring unbalance, tension, and conflict to people. Don’t let the supernatural side get over them, as people will suffer.

The dark side of science could create a lot of destruction and wreak havoc, making people’s lives suffer and it doesn’t concern the ethics or morals of the world. Scientists should be responsible for their discoveries that are used to the awful advantages that they could be used for since they know what they can endure. Dr. Jekyll created this Mr. Hyde so he can participate in violence and other self-indulgent activities. No one could recognize him, so he could do that and not get caught because he will be different people. He used this evil form to satisfy his pleasures. Mr. Hyde is the creation of respectable and intelligent scientist Dr. Jekyll. He created this ugly and mean creature so that he could do what he wanted and not be limited to “gentlemanly” things he used to be. But should science make people's lives better or worse? While science and its products can bring positive consequences to human beings, it could cause many negative side effects. Nuclear bombs could kill the enemy and make them surrender; but, at the same time, nuclear bombs kill many innocent unarmed people. Human cloning is another debating issue of science products. Why? They forget humanity! The idea Dr. Jekyll wants to invent something, to find the truth of science is not wrong at all, but the science product, Mr. Hyde, under his research, is so wrong because he did not consider the moral and ethics standards. People should not use science to create things that are bad for the human kind and just create them for their own happiness.

A person always has two sides in his mind, the good rational side and the evil dark side and he needs to self-control himself for not dividing himself too much or he might start doing hurtful things. The divided self means the same person can act completely differently in their actions, appearances, and thoughts at different times. Utterson makes self control as a habit and does not partake in gossip and stuff like that. He has a reclusive lifestyle. But Dr. Jekyll cannot control himself and uses science to run away from his self-control. He thought he could do whatever he wanted because no one could recognize him. Mr. Jekyll thought he could control himself by drinking a portion and would not turn back to Mr. Hyde. Well, he was wrong because bad things are the most difficult to control. It’s like playing video games. Students all know that playing video games is not helpful for their academic learning because it will waste their time. But it is somewhat difficult for students to control themselves since it is so attractive. When playing video games is so fun and makes players happy, then why would students be willing to resist it? People always have two sides, good and bad. When the bad side goes extreme and people cannot control it, some terrible destructive things would happen. This is exactly the author wants to tell the audience: Learn to control yourself! The self control of a person is a very essential aspect in real life. Don’t let the evil side override the good side, making some irreversible outcomes.

Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a book with the distinctive features of gothic horror. This author, Robert Louis Stevenson, skillfully discussed human nature, which is so hard to predict and control.He talks about the themes of supernaturalism, the dark side of science, and one’s self control. The supernatural nature of Mr. Hyde makes him very disagreeable and makes him not afraid to commit crimes. Also, Dr. Jekyll used the serum to transform into Mr. Hyde and harmed the people. This was really not beneficial to society and he was a wanted criminal. Dr. Jekyll used science to create something bad so that he could indulge in whatever he wanted and nobody would recognize him. He had developed a way to escape from self control and also commit a bunch of crimes in society. Unlike Utterson who makes self control a habit, Dr. Jekyll tries to use science to make himself happy. Dr. Jekyll made a disgusting evil creature, but he was a wealthy, handsome, and smart gentleman.

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