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Critical Review of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The story Dr Jekyell and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson talks about Dr Jekyll drinking potions so he can turn into Mr Hyde. This is because he knows he cannot mess up the rest of his life by himself so he changes into a person that has a bad reputation so he lets the bad things out and feels good without letting the real Dr Jekyell down. Going to prison but once he figures you a flow which is that every time he drinks the potion to change back to Dr Jekyell he would have less time before he changed back to Mr Hyde. So when he figured that out he tried to fix it but it did not work so he decided to kill himself and stop this when he is Dr Jekyell. In this essay we will talk about supernaturalism, the dark side of science and his divided self.

Supernaturalism is having a power that is different then other normal people. Have you watched a superhero movie that is an example of people having supernaturalism? In the story Dr Jekyell is basically one of the heroes except that he is not saving the world with his power. He is being what in the movies call supervillains. He uses his power to escape the challenges of life because he thought there was not a flaw of his potions that he has less time as Dr Jekyell every time he tries to turn back to Mr Hyde. Dr Jekyell wants to have a lot of money and wants to turn bad so he uses his money to let out the bad thing that is in his soul and he ends up getting it but he knew he was wrong and there was karma as he paid the price for his life. In this paragraph we talked about Supernaturalism.

The dark side of science is by using things like potions. Dr Jekyell did this because he did not want to live life properly: he gave up on it and he relied on that dark side of science so he could release his anger. He thought it was hard to control it and it is hard so life has challenges that make life interesting. In the story Dr Jekyell used the dark side of science to live through the difficulties of life by restricting the bad devil that is inside your body. He does not want to ruin his life so he finds a person with a bad reputation in this case Mr Hyde so he turns into Mr Hyde because he wants to let out the badness of him at the same time he does not want to ruin his life. The dark side of science is never good like in the story. Not many have succeeded and we should not try it because why should we hurt other people. In this paragraph we talked about the dark side of science.

Divided self is controlling yourself from the bad and choosing to be good. Dr Jekyell is not good at having self control so he creates a potion that allows him to release his badness without being caught by using dark science he can get away with this. In the story we all see that Dr Jekyell is bad because he tries to escape being good. However, Utterson does good things like serving his master. He does not try to betray his master and he makes it a habit like he can do it not on purpose. So everybody respects him and loves him. Unlike Mr Hyde everybody stays away from him because everybody thinks he is going to kill us or something bad is going to make us happy so we want to be good. In this paragraph we talked about our divided self.

From this essay we talked about supernaturalism, the dark side of science and his divided self. We should learn to be good, not like Mr Hyde who likes to kill people and not like Dr Jekyell who uses his abilities to make his life easier and skip the challenges of life. He should learn to be a nice gentleman. We should be kind, not a person we do not like. This is because everybody wants to be friends with people who have a good reputation. For example, who would like to be friends with Mr Hyde. He is a killer he could murder you like he had many other times. So if you are a killer then you're probably going to be abandoned because killers kill people not be friends so we have to be nice to people.

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