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Critical Review of Silas Marner

A classic is an artistic work that is of the highest class or the most superior of one part. In Silas Marner, Silas Marner is framed by his best friend in Lantern Yard, causing him to move to Raveloe. In Raveloe, he gets a lot of money, but many are scared of him. One day, Dunstan Cass steals all of Marner's money and soon disappears. His brother, Godfrey Cass has a wife, Molly Farren, who is an addict, and a daughter. He tries hiding it, afraid that his wife will ruin his reputation. One day, Molly takes her daughter to give Godfrey a surprise visit at the dance but falls unconscious, dead. The child wanders to Marner's house. When she is found, Godfrey says that he does not know her and Molly Farren, so Marner adopts the child, soon named Eppie. After 16 years, the village finds the dead body of Dunstan, with bags of Marner's money. Soon, Godfrey and his new wife, Nancy, try to get Eppie back, but Eppie prefers the father she grew up with. Eppie marries Aaron Winthrop and lives happily with her little family.

The changes in religious beliefs occur when different situations affect society and people. When society thinks differently of God, their thinking of religious beliefs also changes. In the story, Silas Marner’s thinking of religious belief changes in different situations. At the very beginning, Marner followed the community and believed in God like everyone else. However, when he is falsely accused and framed by his best friend in Lantern Yard, he stops believing in God. One day, Eppie arrived at his house, and Marner believed that God sent an angel to him in return for his lost money. So Marner, filled with love for Eppie, went back to church and believed in God once again. In Marner’s life, there are three main periods of religious belief: believing in God, being disappointed at God, and back to belief. Marner followed the community and believed faithfully in God, then was framed by his friend, and finally back to church. In this case, Marner had three different situations which altered his way of thinking about God. The way of thinking about religious belief changes as people grow and find themselves in different problems.

Fate chooses our destiny and future, but we must be careful of our actions for a good ending. “People who are kind will be rewarded for their kindness, but cruel people will be rewarded with trouble.” In Silas Marner, Godfrey Cass, Dunstan Cass, and Silas Marner himself all have different futures according to their actions. Godfrey doesn’t appreciate his wife and child because he doesn’t want to be embarrassed but soon finds that he can never have a child again. Dunstan stole Marner’s money and even threatened his brother, who soon fell into the Stone Pit and died. Marner, on the other hand, decides to adopt and take care of Eppie well and solve the conflicts between him and the other villagers. Soon, he had a great life with Eppie and his son-in-law, Aaron. Each character’s actions and results show the cycle of fate. Godfrey didn’t accept Eppie at first and suffered without a child. Dunstan committed a crime, and so fate brought him to the edge of Stone pit. Silas Marner, however, took care of Eppie as well as others, soon leading himself to a wonderful, happy life. Fate decides upon our future according to our actions in the past; we must be careful about what we do.

In life, not only does everyone gain something, but they will always lose something too. Everybody has gains and losses in their life; everyone will gain something but lose something at the same time. In the story, Godfrey, Dunstan, Marner, and Eppie all show the things that they lost and the ones they gained. Though Godfrey got a new wife, Nancy Lammeter, and money, he lost his one and only child: Eppie. Though Dunstan got a ton of money, he lost his life and everyone in the village forgot him. Silas Marner lost a lot of important things in his life. But though he lost his family, friends, reputation, home, and hope, he d a happy life in the end. Eppie lost her parents at the very beginning, but soon earned a great husband and the best father she could ask for. Everybody gains and loses something, but some people gain more, and others lose more. Godfrey gained a good wife and money but lost his child; Dunstan gained money but lost his life. Even though they gained something, it was not worth what they lost. Marner lost a lot of things at the beginning but got a happy life; Eppie lost her parents but got a good father and husband. Even though they suffered a lot, they had a good time in the end and forever since. Everyone can gain something, but they will always lose something at the same time.

In Silas Marner, Marner went through a lot of life situations to get to a happy life with Eppie. When people grow and are in different situations, their thinking about religious beliefs changes. Silas Marner went through the three periods of believing in God, being disappointed in God, and going back to church all because of different events in his life. The good get a good future while the evil gets trouble: fate chooses which future we have by looking at our actions. Godfrey, Dunstan, and Marner all chose different paths in life, and all have different futures. When we gain something, we also lose something; when we lose something, we also gain something. Godfrey, Dunstan, Marner, and Eppie all show clear examples of the things they gained but lost at the same time.

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