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Critical Review of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE

In PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, the five Bennet daughters were set out to be the bride of the men of fortune. While Mr. Bingley is interested in Jane Bennet, Mr. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth Bennet, but on the other hand, Elizabeth hates Mr. Darcy for ruining her sister, Jane, and Mr. Bingley's wedding. However, she soon forgives Mr. Darcy after finding out the truth from a letter he wrote. Jane and Mr. BIngley get married, Elizabeth accepts Mr. Darcy's proposal, Charlotte (Elizabeth's best friend) and Mr. Collins become engaged, and so do Lydia Bennet and George Wickham because of a 'runaway'.

Social class is a status that sorts families into different groups: the rich, the middle, and the poor, depending on their fortune and money. Some people might stay in the same class from birth to death, while others might climb up to a better social group by marriage, inheritance, or business. The Bennet Family’s social status was in the middle, but because of marriage to the Darcy and Bennet family, they moved up to the rich class. On the other hand, the marriage to George Wickham didn’t affect the Bennet Family’s status. Some people’s social status stays the same from their birth to death, while others might climb to higher group status by marriage, inheritance, or business. Sometimes, people might even go down to a lower level if their business fails or if they get robbed and tricked by someone. When one is at an inferior status, the easiest way to climb up is by marrying someone with a higher status. Otherwise, one might have to spend a ton of time working hard on a business, or they could inherit a grandparent or relative’s power and money if they don’t have their ideas for lending it to someone else. A social class could change anytime; some people might be born rich/poor and stay like that forever, while others take advantage of marriage, inheritance, or business to climb up again.

Marriage usually occurs between the same class in social status, where the poor marry the poor and the rich marry the rich. On the other hand, people sometimes marry a person from a higher or lower class for different purposes. Wickham’s desire to marry Miss King or Georgiana was for money, just like Lady De Bourgh’s want of her daughter to marry Mr. Darcy and Miss Bingley’s desire to marry Darcy. On the other hand, Jane and Elizabeth married the Bingley and Darcy family because of love and respect. When marrying someone, we have to understand our own purpose for marrying someone as well as the other’s. If the other’s purpose is just for money or status, one shouldn’t get engaged to them; otherwise, they might be regretful for the rest of their lives. On the other hand, if the other truly loves another, one could be happy and loving without any worry about the future. Marriage normally happens in the same class, the middle with the middle, the rich with the rich, and the poor with the poor. But if there are any changes to the ones people love and the ones people don’t like, the intentions might change. A happy marriage requires true love and respect, and not just the love for one’s fortune or income.

Every women’s lives are hard and different from most men and gentlemen, because of everything they might not be allowed to do. Even though women aren’t allowed to do a lot of things, they still try to complete their future careers ahead of them. The Bennet sisters never had such a loving mother or father as most of us, but even without their parent’s opinion and care, they still pushed themselves to respect and impress everyone around them. The sisters even had to work and find a suitable marriage at the same time to live a happy life. Women couldn’t do everything like how men could a long time ago, they couldn’t vote, couldn’t inherit land or money, and couldn’t participate in a lot of fun activities. On the other hand, they had to complete a lot more requests and habits than having freedom in their lives. A woman must be like a lady and have all the good habits of eating, walking, cooking, knitting… etc. to make people impressed. On the other hand, most people are impressed with men as soon as they set eyes on them, without asking about their experience and habits, as every man is a gentleman in their eyes. Even though women couldn’t have as much freedom as men from childhood to adulthood, they still try their best to show their ability to the whole world.

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE talks about the lives of the Bennet family and their relationships throughout their childhood and adulthood. Social status contains the classes of the rich, the middle, and the poor; as some people stay in the same class forever, others might climb up to a higher class by marriage, business, or inheritance. Usually, people of the same social class get married, while some might get married to someone from another social class. Every woman has to complete the requests from their family and the society, even though they aren’t allowed to do half the things they deserve. On the other hand, men have a lot of freedom and low requests, but each woman still tries their best to prove their ability to everyone around them.

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