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Critical Review of Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is a book about how five sisters find a love life. The five sisters' names are Jane, Elizabeth, Catherine, Mary, and Elizabeth. Elizabeth, who is also called Lizzy, is Mr. Bennet’s favorite child. The family meets Mr. Bingley, who likes Jane, Mr. Darcy, who likes Lizzy, and Mr. Collins, who married a friend, Charlotte Lucas. Lizzy rejects the first marriage proposal of Mr. Darcy, who says to her that a person named Wickham has tried to elope with his sister, Georgiana. Lydia runs away with Wickham, and Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy both arrive in Netherfield. Mr. Darcy's rich aunt, Lady Catherine, demands Lizzy to not accept Mr. Darcy's proposal because her daughter Annie wants to marry him. Mr. Darcy proposes again, and is accepted by Lizzy.

People can change their social status by doing many things to help them move from low to high class. Some ways people can change their class is by marriage, inheritance, and by working hard. Some people can also be born into a certain class, but they don’t work hard, so they stay poor, and if they are born rich, they stay rich. Charlotte Lucas became rich by marriage, the Bennet sisters became rich by marriage, the Bingley family worked hard, Mr Collins worked hard, and Ms King, the fiance of Wickham, inherited money. The others, such as the De bourgh family and the Darcy family, were born rich, and George Wickham was born poor. People can move from low to high, but only if they work hard and are actually trying. If people do not work hard, they would stay poor and not be able to move up in the classes. Working hard is almost the hardest way to gain money, and the hardest way is inheritance, because a person needs to have a relative that is rich and is willing to inherit that money to the person. Classes are usually very hard to move up from. A change of social status requires a lot of work.

Marriage is the easiest and the best way to have a change in social status that is from low to high. The other ways, such as inheritance and working hard, are much harder than marriage. Marriage needs love, and also a connection between two people that isn’t very fragile. The Bennet family and Charlotte Lucas all moved up to the rich class by marriage, and it was because the people had good values that the rich class liked. To move up by marriage, a person has to be in a higher class then the other person, and when they get married, the poorer person would move up, and the higher class person will stay the same. A typical marriage requires two people from the same class to marry. Marriage just requires love, but inheritance and working hard include more complicated things that are harder to do. Marriage is the best way for someone if they want to move higher in the social class.

The role of women are different for people in different social classes, because some have people do the chores for them. The poor people have no money, so they have to do their chores in order to not waste any money they could use to have a better lifestyle. The rich people have a housekeeper or a butler who can do the work for them. The Bingley, Darcy, Bennet, and De bourgh families had a butler or housekeeper, so that the family members could focus on finding love so they could have a better love life. The poor families cannot focus on their love life because they have to focus on the roles society gives them, which is to do all the cleaning, cooking, and taking care of people. Ladies should also be like a typical lady, which is to be accomplished, have good education, and have good fashion and walking style. They should be very caring, gentle, and kind. The gentlemen should be like gentlemen, which is by being handsome, helping other people out, and working hard. They should also treat other people nicely and be gentle. Roles of women change as the class in the social class changes.

Pride and Prejudice is about how people find love, and also move in the social class. There are many ways to do so, and they include inheritance, working hard, and marriage. The easiest way is marriage. People like Jane and Elizabeth Bennet moved up in the social class by marriage, and did not have a normal marriage with two people in the same class. Most people’s reasons for marriage is just to get love, while other people’s reason is because they have love for their partners. Social status is very important in later life, because people have to have money to get a good job. Marriage also requires people to have very good qualities so that a person can actually want to marry another person. Pride and Prejudice is a good book that people should read to understand marriage and social class.

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