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Critical Review of Mighty Jackie

The book, Mighty Jackie, written by Marissa Moss, tells of a girl named Jackie who played major league baseball. At that time, people thought that girls, not boys, were supposed to play baseball. But Jackie was determined to prove them wrong. When she was only a few years old, Jackie practiced ball with her father. People thought only boys could play ball, but she practiced hard. When she was eight years old, the star pitcher from Brooklyn Dodgers, Dazzy Vance, taught her to pitch. Jackie’s father and Dazzy at once saw her talent. They asked Jackie to practice hard and said that one day she can be anything she wants to be. So she did, and now, showed the audience and the batters that girls can do whatever boys can do, too.

Hard working guys can always prove to the world that they could do what other people think that they cannot do. Hard work pays off when we are doing something. If we are doing a test and we study hard for it, we will get a good grade. We also learn that if we work hard at things, we can prove others wrong. In the story, Jackie works very hard at baseball, learning to pitch. But others thought that Jackie can’t do anything, just as she is only a little girl. It says in the story that Jackie practiced until her shoulder and hands ached. She had really wanted to pitch well, and now she has also proved some people’s thinking wrong about girls being weak. Hard working people can always show their value and ability, surprising others.

Jackie’s success proves girls can do as great as boys. There might be a race, boys against girls, but in the end girls win, and the boys lose to girls. Also, girls have a huge lead ahead of boys in flexibility, and they are more flexible. In the story, Jackie is up against the boys, who have famous names and lots of people know them. The book includes the part that Jackie had striked out big, strong men, practicing for many years to achieve this one. Jackie played baseball, which people thought at that time that only boys were allowed to do. But boys and girls are still all people, and the same type too. Girls can do whatever boys can do, because boys can also do what girls can do.

Males and females should be equal, in sports, voting and everything else. In the early years, before technology was as great as today, people used to think that females weren't of any use at all, and only men could vote, play sports, and work to get money for the family. Females were thought to do housework and care for the children, instead of working jobs as many families do today. In the story, Jackie was treated unfairly, and people thought that she couldn’t play baseball, and could only throw a “mean lipstick”. But later, people such as Marie Curie, Jane Austin, Rosa Parks, Coco Chanel, Amelia Earhart, Agatha Christie, Audrey Hepburn, Ella Fitzgerald, Frida Kahlo, Emmeline Pankhurst, Maya Angelou, Georgia O’Keefe, and Ada Lovelace proved to the world that females can also be much use to the world and family. Females and males are all humans, and they are born to be equal.

In conclusion, the book Mighty Jackie, talks about a girl who plays baseball. People thought that girls weren’t supposed to, because they were weak and couldn’t throw right. But everyone, even children can play baseball, just with years of practice and hard work, playing everyday until their fingers and arm muscles are so sore. It also tells us three things. First, hard work will always have pay given. Second, girls can do whatever boys can do. Last but not least, women can sometimes win against men. I really recommend this story, Mighty Jackie, because not only it teaches us things that are important in life, it also teaches us about past history.

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