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Matthew Li

Critical Review of Lob's Girl

Lob’s Girl is a realistic fiction book written by Joan Aiken. Sandy and her family were relaxing outside on a summer day. A dog named Lob came in and disturbed them, but Sandy liked Lob. One day, when Sandy got home, she noticed that Lob had followed her. The family decided to adopt Lob since he liked Sandy so much. On a windy and rainy day, the town looked lonely and secretive. Sandy wants to take Lob outside to Aunt Becky. Dr. Travers was riding a car, when they saw a child, but didn’t brake soon enough and hit Sandy and Lob. Dr. Travers sent Sandy and Lob to the hospital. After a while in the hospital, Lob died, but Sandy went into a long coma. One day, Sandy was woken up by a dog. The dog seemed like it was Lob, but Lob was already dead when Sandy woke up. 

Things that don’t make sense and unusual happen rarely in people’s lives. This is called supernatural. Supernatural things happen in unexpected times in your lives. In Lob’s Girl, when Sandy was in her coma, she got woken up by a dog. When she actually woke up, just died. This felt like Lob’s spirit had woken Sandy up and helped her. This supernatural event happens very suddenly and confusingly. Supernatural things may happen in life and leave you stunned. In the example in this short story, the supernatural event saved her life as if it was Lob trying to save Sandy. Supernatural things are unexplainable and happen in times. Supernatural things may also be an imagination, not the truth. The brain might misinterpret something and think that it is something weird, other than the truth. Supernatural things happen rarely and are very unforgettable.

Humans and animals have special and unique relationships with one another. At the start of the book, Lob loved Sandy so much that he followed Sandy to her home. Usually, it is the owner choosing the pet, but in this short story, Lob was the one who had picked his owner and who he liked. This shows how mystical and odd the bonds of animals and humans can be like. Lob and Sandy had a great relationship once Sandy had adopted Lob. People and animals create a deep connection when they spend time with each other. In Lob’s Girl, Lob and Sandy liked each other the first time they had even met. In real life, usually the favorite person the animal has is their owner, unlike Lob’s owner. Lob hated his owner and wanted to be adopted by Sandy very badly. Relationships between animals and humans are strong and always have a very unique meaning.

Families support you throughout your life and through your most important times. When Sandy got coma, all her family relatives came to her and sat by her to see when she would awake. Everyone was worried and hoped that Sandy would survive her time in coma. When Lob came to the hospital, it was Sandy’s parents that had convinced to take Lob to see Sandy. Mother had thought that it was God that helped Lob come and try to find Sandy. This was correct because Sandy woke up once Lob had come to her. It was his parents who helped Sandy stay alive. This shows how her family can help themselves. In many times that people are desperate or need help, family is always there. Your family members are always concerned for you and would always like to help. Family members are important in bad situations just as shown in the book Lob’s Girl.

Lob’s Girl is a very realistic book about a girl  and a dog’s relationship. In the book it talks about supernatural events, the relationships between animals and humans, and the importance of family members. Supernatural events are stuff that happen that are just unrealistic. In the book it seems like Lob’s soul woke Sandy up. Also, Lob and Sandy’s relationships are unique and strong. Lob and Sandy had a great relationship just like the relationship that people have in real life with their pets. In the book, Sandy’s family had cared for Sandy, helped Sandy through tough lives, and eventually saved her life. Lob’s Girl shows the important of pets and family members.

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