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Critical Review of Lob’s Girl

Lob’s girl, a story by Joan Aiken, tells the undeniable value of when a dog goes you love, its a gift, a gift to be treasured with your whole heart. A girl named Sandy had a near perfect life, where her family were all extremely happy. This was the upbeat of her life, when she met Lob. Meeting the dog, Sandy has one more happy thing in her life, which she enjoyed playing with Lob. However, when Lob comes to her house one day, he probably ran here, Sandy realises that the only way to make everyone happy and not in worry is to adopt him. After pleading, she gets Lob to herself at last. However, checking up with Mr Dodsworth, he said the dog had cost two days that he couldn’t spare away from his work, and he decided that Sandy’s family is right to have him, for free. And so, Sandy and her family adopted Lob, and all seemed perfect. Lob was not only a dog, but a symbolism of love and luck and also hope wherever he goes and loyalty to his human.

Supernatural means that there is something unnatural, and something that is of people seem fake. However, if we really love and are loyal to something or someone, sometimes things that seem fake might just come true in ‘Lobs Girl’. with the littlest of chance, and the grand of love and care for their family. When Sandy got hit by a car, she was rushed to the hospital, and tried the best to save her. When things seemed lost, Lob came. He loved and was so loyal to Sandy that he came back from the ‘dead’, so that he could see her and try to save her one last time, and succeeded. Sandy woke up and was actually now healthy indeed. After looking around  and seeing Lob wasn’t here. It shows that Lob’s ghost visits Sandy, and there is many evidence to show it was true in this particular story. Don and Uncle Hoskins had sank Lob with a concrete block tied to his collar, and Lob was said to be shaking his collar, maybe shaking something heavy, like concrete, which were probably the concrete that he got sank in the lake. Supernatural effects and supernatural events have made Lob and Sandy’s relationship more interesting and loyal to each other. 

Family is a extremely strong and sensational power to have by your side, and in your life during the most difficult moments you are experienced. Happy;y together family is a powerful force to stand with you and keep you in a roof and happy at all times. When Lob came to the family, he was defentiliy part of the family and fought the Sandy’s family more love and affecition and joy they couldn’t obtain without Lob. Even if the family loved each other very much and seemed (and actually is) a great family, they all loved Lob so much and were devastated deeply when he had to leave. Lob himself also loved his ‘family’, that’s wh he came home twice to them even when Mr Dodsworth took him home and brought him back. Sandy herself and her amazing, loving family cared for Lob like their son, and Lob loved the family showing his loyal personality and kindness to the family. Family is something not most people have, but if we have it, it may change things up even if its just a dog and humans that love him, can change the dog’s world. 

Companionship is extremely predominant to have while both sides of an argument or problem are well back upend and committed. Companionship is a noun meaning. feeling of fellowship or friendship. Lob and his human Sandy are both very committed and fitted with eachtoehr, as when they first met and set eyes upon each other they decided they were both the one for eachtoehr, and instantly loved one another. After getting sent back to his home, Lob still came to Snady’s hoses to beg to stay with her. He does this twice, meaning he does not want to leave Sandy at all. When he came back the second time, Sandy’s mother called Mr Dodsworth and he told them they could keep him for free, as him keeping Lob would just be a bigger burden for his taxes, wages, and home environment. Lob became Sandy’s new companion, and this sompanionship is shown very deeply. When Sandy got into the accident, Lob got killed in the process, but Lob came back and accompanied her as a ghost. The theory of companionship is very grown to be aware until today, even if its just a dog and and a humans bond, to be treasured with your soul.

  Having a friend or a companion by your sides can cheer you up,  and having real or fake parents by your side, and sometimes supernatural abilities of the deceased may come back to achieve the both. Like Lob, or many other people or animals that are i need can possess supernatural abilities just to see their family or loved one again. And doing so, its like having a speacial time to reunite with his loved ones and people he genuinely cared for and loved. This is the importance of how companions, family, and supernatural bailies are. After sandy and her family loved Lob, Lob in return gave them his love and life. Portraying love and loyalty through the art of supernatural powers is a great way to understand how many things in the world deserve love, and should be respected. 

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