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Critical Review of Joey Pigza Loses Control

In the novel "Joey Pigza Loses Control", written by Jack Gantos, a boy with ADHD (Joey Pigza) loses control over himself during his visit to his dad, Carter Pigza. In the beginning, Joey Pigza lived only with his mother (Fran Pigza) and Pablo, his Chihuahua. He had special patches for his ADHD. However, his mother drives him to his father's house in the summertime. During his visit, he finds Grandma Pigza, who seems to be ill with Carter. Joey thought he was similar to his dad: hyper for action, adventurous, and out of control. His father flushed his "drugs" down the toilet and taught him self-control. But later on, he is forced to play baseball by his father. Joey liked pitching, but not the other events. In one of the most important rounds of a baseball match, he quit and ran away from his father, and Carter was furious. Carter's girlfriend, Leezy, helps Joey escape and arrives back at Fran, where they take the long ride home.

Lack of control can greatly impact family members and growth. Having a lack of control between family members can impact themselves and growth. It can cause health problems and family complications between communication and relationships. Lack of control is a characteristic that Joey’s family (Mother, Father and Grandma) have. Mother has a lack of control of her impatience and carelessness, causing confusion for Joey. Grandma loses control of her smoking, impatience and care towards Mother and family. Father has a lack of control of himself, his family and his understanding and care. He doesn’t understand Joey's health, throws his medication down the toilet, and is always saying things without listening and caring about others. He doesn’t consider the people around him and most of all, loses control of himself and his family (including Joey). His lack of control impacts Joey and his family for their relationships, health and growth. Joey’s family consists of lack of control, causing great impacts between family relationships, health, understanding and growth (for Joey).

Family always has their own negative and positive characteristics. Family members have various characteristics towards others. Joey Pigza’s family (Mother, Father and Grandma) each have their own problems and good characteristics. Mother is loving, understanding and kind towards Joey and her family, although she also has negative characteristics. She is always easily nervous, impatient and careless. Mother is always worried and concerned about problems with Joey and Father and is careless of her driver license. Grandma is loving, kind and understanding to Joey, even though she has disabilities due to her age and habits. However, she smokes constantly, is impatient and is biased towards Mother. When Joey is supposed to leave, Grandma understands it and leaves Joey’s dog outside for him to collect, while waving back at him when he does leave. Joey’s father is uncaring, rude and is unreasonable. He is not nice to anyone; even his own family. Father is also constantly drinking, and gets in trouble for “DWI”. Family members always have their own bad and good features.

ADHD is a common condition that doesn’t disallow people from doing certain activities. ADHD doesn’t mean that people cannot do the things that others can, although they will have symptoms and things that people who do not have ADHD do not have. Additionally, ADHD is widely ranged and is very common among many people. The author tries to explain ADHD in the form of “Joey Pigza'' by explaining what Joey does and how he reacts. He explains the symptoms of ADHD: the inability to sit still, concentrate, think before acting and interrupting conversations, and how he talks and moves constantly. However, despite his condition, Joey is able to encounter many adventures, events, relationships and growing up, which shows us how ADHD doesn’t show that people cannot do activities. Joey can do many things that normal people can do although he has an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is a very common disorder that doesn’t disallow people from doing certain activities.

The novel tells us about family, ADHD and how Joey learns about healing and self-control. Joey Pigza’s family consists of his Father, Mother and Grandma. Father is rude, ​​lack of control has moral coercion, is unreasonable, talkative and is drunk. Mother is often nervous and impatient, but she is a loving, caring and understanding mom towards Joey Pigza. Grandma’s problem is that she smokes, is biased towards Mother, and is impatient. However, she is kind, loving and understanding towards Joey; before Joey leaves, Grandma knows that he will do so so she keeps his dog outside for him to pick up and waves back at him while he leaves. ADHD is a common condition which doesn’t mean that people cannot do things people without ADHD do. Additionally, the story shows how growing up can teach us experience, healing and self-control.

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